During the recent lockdown due to the COVID-19 situation, Responsenet wanted to go live with multiple campaigns, including a Million Meals Campaign with KFC. KFC wanted to create an initiative through which their internal stakeholders can participate in the larger contributions made by the company. They also wanted to accept online donations to provide meals and hygiene kits for affected migrant workers. Lastly, Responsenet wanted to create a custom landing page, co-branded with KFC. They chose to go ahead with Razorpay payment pages

Everything was working well for Responsenet for the past 15 years. However, they had to manually send around 2500 80G receipts in a month. Now, this was a significant effort. They could have used the time and energy for other activities had there been automation in place. One day, their team received an email that mentioned early access to the Automated 80G feature, and they signed up for it! 

And since then, Razorpay became their default choice for everything payments. Kuldip Nar, Founder Responsenet says  “In our 20 years of experience, we have not found a better solution than Razorpay Payment Pages. Automated 80G receipts, among many other features, has helped us efficiently fundraise and report to internal and external stakeholders.”

The need for a secure Payment platform

Be it a situation of floods or a pandemic that we are witnessing, NGOs have been bridging the gap between the needy and the donors for years now. What started as door-to-door cash donations has now become entirely contactless. Charitable trusts, big and small, have made their way online. This has helped them discover new geographies and hence, they have been able to invite people from all folds to nurture a cause they care about. 

One of the challenges that an NGO faces while accepting online donations is choosing a secure and reliable payments partner. During our conversations with NGOs across India, we realised that there’s a standard checklist that they have when they are in search of a payments partner:

  • Secure and verified service provider
  • A platform that offers multiple payment options
  • A system where they can send 80G receipts to the donors automatically
  • Lastly, an ecosystem that can handle end-to-end payments

And unsurprisingly, Razorpay checks every point mentioned! This article aims to throw light on our offerings for NGOs to accept online donations so that you can offer a best-in-class experience to your audience while making your payments process simplified. 

Accept online donations with Razorpay

What do you think when you hear ‘online donations’ and ‘website’? Often, the answer we hear is a payment gateway. Well, that’s right. But, at Razorpay, we have a wide range of options along with Payment Gateway when it comes to accepting donations. Let’s get started! 

1. Razorpay Payment Pages 

Are you at a phase where you are planning to build a website to raise funds? Well, we would suggest you stop. No, not from caring for that cause but from creating a website because Razorpay can help you do exactly that, within minutes! Plus, your time and effort of integrating a payment gateway come down to zero, since you can do it all with Payment Pages. 

Razorpay Payment Pages allows you to create a storefront within minutes. You can add details about your project, keep adding or modifying them and edit them as per your style! Not just that, you can get yourself a shareable link which you can share across platforms. 

[bctt tweet=”The best part about using Razorpay Payment Pages for your NGO is that anyone who makes a donation will be automatically sent an 80G payment receipt in their inbox!” username=””]This will help you cut down on any manual or operational work you were thinking about. 

[Read more: Simplifying 80G Receipts for NGOs with Razorpay Payment Pages]

This is not it, you can also choose to select a minimum amount a person can donate and get detailed insights from our powerful dashboard

Here’s what one of our customers have to say about their experience with Razorpay:

Thank you to the entire team at Razorpay for quickly taking up our request for automation of the 80G receipts. Your team is so responsive to our NGO’s requirements. The automation of the 80G donation receipt from Razorpay dashboard has made life easier for our team and gives a great experience for all our donors who get these receipts as soon as they make a donation. We are grateful for your support!

-Beena Malikaveetil (Senior Directo, Marketing at VOSD)

2. Razorpay Payment Links

Since all of our conversations have moved to WhatsApp, Facebook, Emails and Instagram, shouldn’t donations too? 

Has this thought ever crossed your mind? If yes, you have just found a solution. With Razorpay Payment Links, you can generate a payment link within minutes and send it across via any social media channel. 

This means you can start accepting online donations even if you do not have an app or a website ready. Razorpay’s Google Chrome extension makes the entire process even simpler. You can create and send unlimited payment links and get paid within minutes, directly in your desired bank account.

3. Razorpay Subscription

The subscription-based business model is the current trend. [bctt tweet=”If you have you been thinking of ways to maintain an active cashflow for your donations, then Razorpay Subscriptions is your best friend!” username=””]With Razorpay Subscriptions, you can offer a recurring plan for your donors. 

[Read more: Retain, Engage, Scale: Three Reasons to Build a Subscriptions Business]

For example, you can offer a subscription plan for 12 months, billed for INR 499 each month. Your donor can select the date on which the amount should be debited from their account.

The entire registration process can be done 100% online with the liberty to the donor to cancel the subscription at any point in time. Oh, the best part, you can offer the latest UPI AutoPay, the most awaited payment options to your customer! 

4. Razorpay ePOS app

Do you prefer using mobile for a majority of work and get excited when you find an app that fulfils a purpose? If yes, we would recommend you to download Razorpay ePOS app now! 

Razorpay ePOS app is designed to cater to a mobile-first audience. You can choose to create an online store and add details about a cause you care. Send a payment link to your audience anywhere, anytime. Get support from our customer support team 24*7 and get insights from an intuitive dashboard. 

The best part about this app is, the entire onboarding process is 100% online. You can get started with accepting online donations even if you do not have a website yet. 

[Read more Razorpay ePOS App – Simplifying Digital Payments for Offline Businesses]

Well, for now, this is it. Apart from all the above-mentioned products, there are certain features that come with every product built by Razorpay.

  • PCI DSS compliance: Razorpay is the most secure payments ecosystem. None of your and your donor’s details are captured at any point. 
  • 24*7 support system: Our customer support team is available via chat-service, email and call throughout the day to help you if you get stuck anywhere. 
  • Multi-currency support: With Razorpay, you can offer your customers’ to pay via debit or credit cards, net banking, UPI, wallets and so on.
  • International payments: You can accept donations across the world with ease with Razorpay. 

Our teams have been working to simplify payments for businesses and individuals from all the folds and NGOs remains one of our focus areas. While we build and curate more products for you, we would love to hear thoughts and comments below! 


Khushali is a content marketer at Razorpay. A logophile, traveler and inbound marketing enthusiast, she loves questioning the 'why' and 'how' of almost everything.

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