Shopify has revolutionized the world of e-commerce by simplifying the process of building online stores and getting them up and running. Online retailers can either use pre-built templates and customize them to their liking or create a design from scratch.

However, in the fiercely competitive e-commerce landscape, where every store vies for attention, having the right Shopify apps can make all the difference in growing your business and outshining your competitors. It’s important to note that not all Shopify apps are created equal, and installing them indiscriminately is not advisable. With over 8,000 apps available, choosing the right ones can be daunting.

That’s why having a comprehensive guide to help e-commerce businesses evaluate these apps is essential.

How to Choose the Right Shopify Apps?

Consider Your Business and Its Objectives

The first step in selecting the right Shopify app is identifying your business objectives. Take your time to write down everything you want your online store to achieve beyond simply selling products. Think about the potential problems your customers might encounter. For instance, what if you start receiving a high volume of customer inquiries? Would adding a chatbot to handle generic queries be beneficial? Or, if you’re experiencing cart abandonment, would sending notifications related to carts help?

In addition to addressing customer concerns, consider your own business needs. Do you want to gather customer feedback on your products? If so, you may need a feedback app to streamline the process. Do you wish to display positive reviews on your store? Look for relevant apps that can help with that.

The key is to anticipate potential pain points that may arise in the future, even if they are not currently present.

Start Your Search on Shopify

Once you’ve clarified your needs, the next step is to search for Shopify apps that align with your specific use case. Focus on one use case at a time and begin exploring the available Shopify apps. For instance, if you require apps for upselling and cross-selling, start by searching for those. Keep in mind that not all apps may cater to the Indian market, so filter your search settings accordingly.

There are multiple ways to search for Shopify apps:

1. Browse Apps

Browser Shopify apps

Visit the Shopify App Store and hover over the “Browse Apps” tab. Click on it to explore various categories. If you’re interested in upselling and cross-selling apps, select “Marketing and Conversion” from the category list. This page will provide you with more insights into the types of apps you need.

2. Use the Search Bar

Use the search bar to search for Shopify apps

Utilize the search bar to look for specific app categories. Simply type in the category you’re interested in, and Shopify will display a list of relevant apps.

3. Explore Various Blogs on the Shopify Apps Keyword

Read blogs on Shopify appsAnother valuable resource is to explore Shopify app blogs and see what recommendations others have. There are numerous blogs tailored to the Indian audience that can provide insights. For example, you can check out “8 Must-Have Shopify Apps in India to Grow Your eCommerce Business” by Razorpay Magic Checkout or conduct a Google search for more blogs on the topic.

4. Watch YouTube Videos

Watch videos on Shopify appsYouTube is another platform where you can learn about Shopify apps that can benefit your e-commerce business. Shopify often uploads informative videos, which we highly recommend.

Tips for Selecting the Right Shopify Apps

By this point, you likely have multiple browser tabs open and a clearer idea of the types of apps you need for your e-commerce business. However, with a plethora of choices available, decision-making can become overwhelming. To help streamline your selection process, consider the following steps:

App Reviews and Ratings

Whenever there’s an app, there will be reviews and ratings. E-commerce stores often share their opinions on which apps are worth using and which are not. Pay attention to all ratings, including 1 and 2-star ratings. Don’t solely rely on the number of stars an app has received; instead, read the detailed reviews that highlight both the strengths and weaknesses of each app.

App Pricing

Naturally, when considering an app, you’ll want to ensure that its price fits within your budget. We recommend opting for apps that offer a free trial period. This allows you to assess how the app functions, evaluate its support and switch to another option if it doesn’t meet your expectations. In terms of pricing, you’ll typically encounter three plans: Free, paid, and one-time purchase. Even if an app doesn’t explicitly mention a free trial, you can inquire about it proactively.

App Compatibility

Here’s another crucial factor to consider before installing a Shopify app: Not every app is created equal, and not all of them will be compatible with your store. Shopify excels in informing you about app compatibility. When an app is incompatible, you’ll receive a notification explaining why it’s unsuitable for your Shopify store.

However, for some apps, such as Razorpay Magic Checkout, a one-click checkout solution that boasts 100% compatibility with Shopify stores and streamlines the checkout process by pre-filling customers’ personal, shipping, and payment information—thanks to the Razorpay network, which serves over 200 million shoppers annually—you’ll need to enable it in your store by contacting the support team. Similar to Razorpay Magic Checkout, a few other apps may require activation through contact with their support teams.

App Support

Regardless of the type of Shopify app you plan to use, ensure it has a reliable support team. Each Shopify app will have a linked website; click on it and check for a “Contact Us” tab. Evaluate whether the support team responds promptly to your queries and whether they offer support via phone, chat, or email. The better the support team, the smoother your app’s operation will be because you can trust that your issues will be resolved quickly.

App Features

When assessing a Shopify app, it’s essential to ensure it meets your core requirements. But don’t stop there. Some apps offer more than just the basics; they come with additional features that can extend the functionality of your store. For instance, when considering an upsell or cross-sell app, keep an eye out for those that also provide order tracking capabilities. Another valuable feature to look for is bundled features, which can enhance your store’s functionality and save you money in the long run.

Monitor the Performance of Installed Shopify Apps

Your evaluation process doesn’t end once you’ve selected and installed Shopify apps for your store. It’s crucial to continuously monitor their performance to ensure they’re delivering the desired results. After a month or two, rigorously evaluate the following:

✅Are the Shopify apps functioning as expected?

✅Are your customers experiencing any issues, or has their overall shopping experience improved?

✅Have your sales increased, or have you noticed a decline since installing the Shopify app?

✅Has the cart abandonment rate increased or decreased?

✅Is the support team still as responsive and effective as they were when you first reached out to them before installing the app?

By assessing these factors after app installation, you can determine which apps are genuinely helping your online store grow.


In summary, choosing the right Shopify apps is pivotal for the success of your Indian e-commerce business. By defining your objectives, conducting thorough research, and assessing app features, pricing, and support, you can make informed decisions. Remember that your journey doesn’t end with installation; continuous monitoring ensures your apps deliver value. With strategic choices, your online store can thrive, surpass competitors, and offer an exceptional shopping experience, leading to e-commerce success.


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