More than the sales factor itself, every seller is now entrusted with a ginormous responsibility of safeguarding the health of himself, his employees, his partners and of course, his customers.
Last month, we successfully organized Razorpay’s first-ever e-commerce webinar and we couldn’t be happier about the results. With over 250+ attendees, it’s safe to say that it was an incredibly productive experience! So, here we are with our secret recipe for organizing a successful webinar in just under 3 weeks.
When we say trends in e-commerce are on a dizzying high, we mean all trends. With higher sophistication in technology comes more pathways and new avenues to perform fraud. E-Commerce businesses are now innovating more methods than ever to stay wary of fraud and deliver unparalleled customer experience.
Throughout the Razorpay Thirdwatch webinar, we had many questions being posed to the speakers about the state of e-commerce fraud today and the many different ways to tackle it. We managed to answer most of them and made sure to make a note of all the answers too.
When the retailer notices a myriad of patterns in a certain geographical area or limited to several accounts, he immediately attempts to curb it by blocking multiple users he thinks are suspicious. However, what he fails to realise is that this blanket blacklisting can cost him more than he thinks.
While you may put a lot of effort into maintaining your brand as a whole, a few errors in shipping may risk it all. This is because shipping could be the first real-time bridge between you and your customer after they purchase your product.
With the new e-commerce frenzy taking over traditional, offline gift-buying, business owners can expect a growing influx of eager young adults flocking to their sites for different options.
It is common for e-commerce businesses to experience a slump. But worry not, we’ve condensed a list of effective, actionable hacks you can use to bring those numbers back up!
Generation Z is exactly how complicated as you would expect them to be. We took a look at their numbers and we could infer that they are a generation with high expectations, changing tastes and shifting loyalties.
The impact of promo code fraud is not just on the revenue and inventory of businesses but also occurs in the form of unrequired operational costs.