Today, running a brand without having any social media presence is equivalent to a person living without any identity proof. When a prospective customer hears about any brand or business – whether new or existing – the first instinct is to check out the same on social media. This can be anything – a LinkedIn company profile or the brand’s Instagram account, or customer reviews on Quora and Reddit. This is why social media marketing has become the need of the hour!

  • noted that 97% of marketers use social media for marketing purposes.
  • 78% of salespersons are using social media to move ahead of their peers.
  • Brandwatch has concluded that around 91% of retail brands are on two or more platforms.
  • Almost 81% of SMEs use some form of social media to promote their business. 

However, acing social media has more to it than creating a social media account by the name of your business. This e-book will help you understand the various social media platforms and how you can market content in a way that engages and converts your customers effectively!

What’s inside?

Platform-wise social media strategy

This e-book covers eight major social media platforms within three categories – social networking sites, media sharing platforms, and discussion forums. Each platform is discussed in detail, highlighting aspects like appropriate content formats, ease of creation, and prominent examples. Read to discover how you can curate a social media strategy as per the platform you choose.

Selecting the perfect social media mix 

Social media platforms are not checkboxes that necessarily need to be ticked all the way through. An appropriate social media mix means selecting those platforms which are effective, manageable, and have the potential to yield desired results. The e-book suggests an easy model that can help you decide which platforms your brand should and can exist!

Publishing and monitoring content on social media

The most important and often overlooked step is keeping a close check on your published content and gauging the response. For this, you will require the requisite knowledge of good social media publishing tools and necessary metrics to track. The e-book covers platform-wise metrics to track for success while disclosing some amazing tools which can make social media management easier for you.

All this and more in just one e-book! So, what are you waiting for? Just enter your details below and get your hands on this one-stop social media marketing guide.


Shubhangi is a Content Marketer at Razorpay. A marketing enthusiast, she loves writing about business strategy and technology. You will often find her reading Indian mythology, exploring Delhi streets and taking Buzzfeed quizzes.

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