API Endpoints

Base URL: https://api.razorpay.com/v1/

The Customer Identifier response contains attributes such as id and customer_id, and also a field receivers. This is an array that defines what receivers are available for the Customer Identifier.

For example, if the receiver_types field of the original request contained bank_account, then the response will contain a receivers array with one element, which gives details of that bank_account receiver such as account number, IFSC, etc.


The request format for Customer Identifier creation recently underwent a change, and the updated format can be found

. The request format given below will eventually be deprecated.

For new integrations, we strongly recommend you use the updated request format, as it allows a host of new features, most particularly the support for completely-numeric account numbers by default.

curl -u rzp_test_26ccbdbfe0e84b:69b2e24411e384f91213f22a \
--data "receiver_types[]=bank_account" \
--data "description=First Customer Identifier" \
--data "notes[reference_key]=reference_value" \

With the exception of the Create API, the request format for all other API endpoints remains the same, and can be checked


To migrate to the new request format, simply replace the receiver_types parameter in the request body with the equivalent receivers.types parameters.

"receiver_types": [
"description": "First Customer Identifier",
"customer_id": "cust_805c8oBQdBGPwS",
"notes": {
"reference_key": "reference_value"

Note that receiver.types is a mandatory parameter.


By default, the account number generated using the new request format is wholly numeric, thus allowing it to be used on a wider range of platforms. This is a change from the older request format, which produced only alphanumeric account numbers.

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