Integrate Checkout From Widget

Integrate Checkout from Affordability Widget using Standard Integration and allow your customers to complete their purchase directly from the widget.

Integrate Checkout from Affordability Widget using Standard Integration and provide customers with a direct and convenient avenue to complete their purchases within the widget itself. This helps businesses improve conversion rates and eliminate any friction or unnecessary steps in the buying process.

Handy Tips

If you have a

, integrate with checkout from widget using .

Watch Out!


  • Improved Conversion Rates
    The improved Affordability Widget simplifies the checkout process, leading to more customers completing their purchases, resulting in higher conversion rates.

  • Frictionless Customer Experience
    The widget provides a seamless and hassle-free experience, boosting customer confidence and encouraging them to finalise their purchases easily.

  • Auto-Selection Convenience
    The widget's auto-selection functionality automatically applies the chosen payment option or offer to the checkout, reducing confusion and making the process more convenient.

Follow the integration steps given below on your website:

1.1 Define Checkout Callback Function

Define a callback function that receives the affordabilityWidgetPrefill as an argument. This function is invoked when the customer clicks the Buy Now button on the widget.

The prefill data is a string that contains the payment instrument details or offer_id used to invoke checkout from the widget. You can use any custom logic to save this data for the future. After saving the prefill data, you can seamlessly initiate your website’s checkout process and redirect the customer to the preferred location as per your website’s checkout journey.

function checkoutCallback(affordabilityWidgetPrefill) {
// Your logic to save affordabilityWidgetPrefill
// Perform redirection to cart page or any other preferred location as per your website’s checkout journey

Handy Tips

  • Consider storing the prefill data as a component state if you use a frontend framework like React.
  • Alternatively, you can store it in localstorage or use any other storage method.

1.2 Pass Function in Affordability Widget Configuration

Pass the callback function

to widgetConfig as checkout_callback, when initialising Razorpay Affordability Widget.

window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
const widgetConfig = {
key: 'YOUR_KEY_ID', // Replace it with your live Key ID generated from Razorpay Dashboard
amount: 400000, // Amount in paise
currency: 'INR',
checkout_callback: checkoutCallback // new
const rzpAffordabilityWidget = new RazorpayAffordabilitySuite(widgetConfig);



string API Key ID generated from the Dashboard.



integer The amount to be paid by the customer in currency subunits. For example, if the amount is ₹500.00, enter 50000.



string The currency in which the customer should make the payment. Check the list of




function The callback function is called when the user clicks the Buy button on the widget. This function receives affordabilityWidgetPrefill as an argument.

1.3 Initiate Payment Checkout with Option Selected

Before opening the payment checkout for your customer with the selected option on the widget, retrieve affordabilityWidgetPrefill from your global store/localstorage or anywhere you stored it and pass it in the checkout options that you use to open Razorpay Standard Checkout.

<button id="rzp-button1">Pay</button>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="²/affordability.js"> </script> // new
var options = {
"key": "YOUR_KEY_ID",
"amount": "400000",
"currency": "INR"
// ... other options
options = RazorpayAffordabilitySuite.addPrefillToCheckoutOptions(options, affordabilityWidgetPrefill); // new
var rzp1 = new Razorpay(options);
document.getElementById('rzp-button1').onclick = function(e){;

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checkout from widget