Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Find answers to frequently asked questions about BigCommerce plugin.

1. How can I verify if the plugin is installed successfully?

On your BigCommerce Dashboard, navigate to Channel ManagerStorefronts section.

specific and meaningful image title

There are two ways to verify the installation:

  1. Click Web pages.
  2. Ensure the Razorpay Order Confirmation page appears.
Verify installation through web pages

  1. Click Scripts.
  2. Ensure the Razorpay Header and Footer scripts appear.
Verify installation through scripts

2. How can I verify if webhooks are auto-configured?

To verify if webhooks are enabled:

  1. Log into the and navigate to Account & Settings.
  2. In the Website and app settings section, click Webhooks.
    Navigate to Webhooks
  3. Select the relevant webhook URL.
  4. On the right panel, check if the status for order.paid and refund.processed is enabled.

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