International Debit and Credit Cards

Enable/disable international payments using foreign cards. Check the eligibility criteria, prerequisites and the application process.

Accept international payments through using foreign bank cards by enabling international payments on your Dashboard.

Feature Enablement

International payments are prone to a higher risk of fraud and chargeback. We can enable this feature after approval from our banking partners.

To enable international payments for the first time, place a request from the Dashboard.

Eligibility and Prerequisites

You must meet the following eligibility criteria set by our banking partners to accept international payments:

  • You must have an active Razorpay account with KYC verification completed.
  • You must have a valid website with the following sections/pages clearly defined:
    • Terms and Conditions
    • Privacy policy
    • Refund and Cancellation policy
    • Shipping policy

Watch Out!

International payments cannot be enabled for your account without these sections/pages on your website.

Application Process

To request international payments:

  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Account & SettingsInternational payments (under Payment methods).
  3. Click Activate to enable the International cards.
    Request activation for international card payments
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to provide any additional details or documentation required for activation.

Documents and Details Required

  1. In case of sales of tangible products, Import/Export code is required.
  2. If you have past international transaction experience, the following documents are accepted:
    • Bank statement for inward remittance.
    • Settlement record from the current payment partner.

You can disable the International payments option on your account from your Dashboard.

  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Account & SettingsInternational payments (under Payment methods).
  3. Use the toggle button to enable or disable international card payments.
Disable international card payments

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enable international payments
disable international payments
check eligibility