What is a Resignation Acceptance Letter?

A resignation acceptance letter is a formal document sent by an employer to acknowledge an employee’s resignation. It confirms that the employer has received and accepted the employee’s decision to leave the company, creating a clear record of the resignation and helping to avoid any misunderstandings down the line.

The letter may also include details about the employee’s last day of work, any outstanding tasks or projects they need to complete, and information about returning company property. Additionally, the letter often expresses appreciation for the employee’s contributions and offers them well wishes for their future endeavours.

Managing an employee’s resignation is part of the larger employee lifecycle. Managing this lifecycle is infinitely easier with automation and software like RazorpayX Payroll.

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Format of Resignation Acceptance Letter

The resignation of an employee must be handled with care. It is important for departing employees to continue to have a positive opinion of the business and management. Thus, your resignation acceptance letter must be professional and well-formatted. Here is a quick rundown of the ideal format of a resignation acceptance letter.

1. Header: Include your company’s letterhead at the top.

2. Date: Align left and include the current date.

3. Employee Information: Include the employee’s name, job title (optional), and employee ID (optional) aligned left below the date.

4. Salutation: Use a formal salutation like “Dear [Employee Name]”.

5. Acknowledgement: State that you are writing to acknowledge receipt of their resignation letter. Mention the date their resignation letter was received.

6. Acceptance: Clearly state that their resignation is accepted.

7. Last Day of Work: Specify the employee’s last day of work based on their notice period.

8. Appreciation (Optional): Express gratitude for their contributions to the company. You may also include specific examples of their contributions.

9. Transition & Support (Optional): Briefly outline any steps for a smooth handover or offer support during the transition.

10. Closing: Thank the employee again and wish them well in their future endeavours.

11. Signature: Include your signature and typed name with your designation below.

10 Sample Resignation Acceptance Letters

Here are a few samples of resignation acceptance letters when the employee resigns.

Reason 1: Pursuing other career opportunities

Dear [Employee Name],

This letter acknowledges receipt of your resignation letter dated [Date of Resignation Letter] for your position as [Job Title] at [Company Name]. We accept your decision to pursue other career opportunities.

While we are sorry to see you leave, we understand the desire for professional growth and wholeheartedly support your next chapter. Your contributions to [mention specific projects or areas] have been invaluable, and we appreciate your dedication and hard work during your time here.

Your last day of employment will be [Last Day of Work] in accordance with your notice period. To ensure a smooth transition, we would appreciate your assistance in wrapping up your current projects and training your replacement. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me or Human Resources if you have any questions during this process.

We wish you all the best in your future endeavors.


[Your Name] [Your Title]

Reason 2: Pursuing higher studies

Dear [Employee Name],

This letter acknowledges receipt of your resignation letter dated [Date of Resignation Letter] for your position as [Job Title] at [Company Name]. We accept your decision to pursue higher education.

We understand and fully support your commitment to furthering your knowledge and qualifications. The skills and experience you’ve gained here will undoubtedly serve you well in your studies. Your contributions to [mention specific projects or areas] have been valuable, and we appreciate your dedication and hard work during your time here.

Your last day of employment will be [Last Day of Work] in accordance with your notice period. To ensure a smooth transition, we would appreciate your assistance in wrapping up your current projects and training your replacement. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me or Human Resources if you have any questions during this process.

We wish you all the best in your academic journey and future endeavors. We’re confident you’ll achieve great things.


[Your Name] [Your Title]

Reason 3: Personal issues

Dear [Employee Name],

This letter acknowledges receipt of your resignation letter dated [Date of Resignation Letter] for your position as [Job Title] at [Company Name]. We accept your resignation.

While we are sorry to see you leave, we understand that you are facing personal circumstances that require your attention. We fully support your decision to prioritize your well-being during this time.

Your contributions to [mention specific projects or areas] have been valuable, and we appreciate your dedication and hard work during your time here.

Your last day of employment will be [Last Day of Work] in accordance with your notice period. To ensure a smooth transition, we would appreciate your assistance in wrapping up your current projects as much as possible. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me or Human Resources if you have any questions or require any support during this process.

We wish you all the best as you navigate your personal situation. Please know that you are welcome to reach out in the future if there’s anything we can do to help.


[Your Name] [Your Title]

Reason 4: Health issues

Dear [Employee Name],

This letter acknowledges receipt of your resignation letter dated [Date of Resignation Letter] for your position as [Job Title] at [Company Name]. We accept your resignation.

We were sorry to learn about the health issues you’re facing. Your well-being is our top priority, and we completely support your decision to focus on your health and recovery.

Your contributions to [mention specific projects or areas] have been valuable, and we appreciate your dedication and hard work during your time here.

Your last day of employment will be [Last Day of Work] in accordance with your notice period. However, depending on your health situation, we are flexible with this timeframe. Please let us know if there are any adjustments we can make to accommodate your needs.

To ensure a smooth transition, we would appreciate your assistance in wrapping up your current projects as much as possible, given your health. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me or Human Resources if you have any questions or require any support during this process. We are happy to help in any way we can.

We wish you all the best in your recovery. Please know that you are welcome to reach out in the future if there’s anything we can do to help.


[Your Name] [Your Title]

Reason 5: For a better work life balance

Dear [Employee Name],

This letter acknowledges receipt of your resignation letter dated [Date of Resignation Letter] for your position as [Job Title] at [Company Name]. We accept your resignation.

We understand and respect your decision to prioritize achieving a better work-life balance. It’s important to find a work environment that complements your personal life.

Your contributions to [mention specific projects or areas] have been valuable, and we appreciate your dedication and hard work during your time here.

Your last day of employment will be [Last Day of Work] in accordance with your notice period. To ensure a smooth transition, we would appreciate your assistance in wrapping up your current projects and training your replacement. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me or Human Resources if you have any questions during this process.

We wish you all the best in finding a work environment that allows you to achieve a greater sense of balance and fulfillment.


[Your Name] [Your Title]

Reason 6: Retirement

Dear [Employee Name],

This letter acknowledges receipt of your resignation letter dated [Date of Resignation Letter] for your position as [Job Title] at [Company Name]. We accept your well-deserved retirement.

After [Number] years of dedicated service, we are sad to see you go, but we wholeheartedly congratulate you on this exciting new chapter in your life. Your contributions to [mention specific projects, areas, or achievements] have been instrumental to our success, and we are incredibly grateful for your hard work and expertise.

Your last day of employment will be [Last Day of Work] in accordance with your notice period. To ensure a smooth transition, we would appreciate your assistance in wrapping up your current projects and training your replacement. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me or Human Resources if you have any questions or require any support during this process.

We wish you all the best in your retirement. We hope you enjoy this well-earned time to relax, pursue your passions, and create lasting memories. Please know that you are always welcome to stay connected with the company.


[Your Name] [Your Title]

Reason 7: Internal conflict with colleagues or managers

Dear [Employee Name],

This letter acknowledges receipt of your resignation letter dated [Date of Resignation Letter] for your position as [Job Title] at [Company Name]. We accept your resignation.

While we are sorry to see you leave, we understand that you have encountered challenges within the team/department. We appreciate you bringing this to our attention.

Your contributions to [mention specific projects or areas] have been valuable, and we appreciate your dedication and hard work during your time here.

Your last day of employment will be [Last Day of Work] in accordance with your notice period. To ensure a smooth transition, we would appreciate your assistance in wrapping up your current projects as much as possible. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to Human Resources if you have any questions or require any support during this process. We are committed to maintaining a positive and respectful work environment, and we will take steps to address any underlying issues within the team.

We wish you all the best in your future endeavors.


[Your Name] [Your Title]

Reason 8: Culture fitment issues

Dear [Employee Name],

This letter acknowledges receipt of your resignation letter dated [Date of Resignation Letter] for your position as [Job Title] at [Company Name]. We accept your resignation.

While we are sorry to hear you’re leaving, we understand that sometimes cultural fit can be a significant factor in job satisfaction. We appreciate you giving [Company Name] a chance, and we wish you all the best in finding a work environment that aligns more closely with your values and preferences.

Your contributions to [mention specific projects or areas] have been valuable, and we appreciate your dedication and hard work during your time here.

Your last day of employment will be [Last Day of Work] in accordance with your notice period. To ensure a smooth transition, we would appreciate your assistance in wrapping up your current projects as much as possible. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me or Human Resources if you have any questions during this process.

We are always striving to improve our company culture, and your feedback is valuable. If you’d be open to it, we would appreciate the opportunity to discuss your experience in more detail during an exit interview. This will help us identify areas where we can create a more inclusive and engaging environment for all employees.

In the meantime, we wish you all the best in your future endeavors.


[Your Name] [Your Title]

Reason 9: Mergers or acquisition

Dear [Employee Name],

This letter acknowledges receipt of your resignation letter dated [Date of Resignation Letter] for your position as [Job Title] at [Company Name]. We accept your resignation.

We understand that the recent merger between [Company Name] and [Merging Company] may have caused uncertainty regarding your role and future prospects. We appreciate you informing us of your decision.

Your contributions to [mention specific projects or areas] have been valuable, and we appreciate your dedication and hard work during your time here.

Your last day of employment will be [Last Day of Work] in accordance with your notice period. To ensure a smooth transition, we would appreciate your assistance in wrapping up your current projects as much as possible. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me or Human Resources if you have any questions during this process.

We wish you all the best in your future endeavors. As the integration process continues, we are committed to creating a positive and stable work environment for all employees. We encourage you to stay informed about any developments that may impact your role or career opportunities within the merged company.

In the meantime, we thank you for your contributions and wish you all the best in your future endeavors.


[Your Name] [Your Title]

Reason 10: Undisclosed reasons

Dear [Employee Name],

This letter acknowledges receipt of your resignation letter dated [Date of Resignation Letter] for your position as [Job Title] at [Company Name]. We accept your resignation.

While we are sorry to see you leave, we respect your decision.

Your contributions to [mention specific projects or areas] have been valuable, and we appreciate your dedication and hard work during your time here.

Your last day of employment will be [Last Day of Work] in accordance with your notice period. To ensure a smooth transition, we would appreciate your assistance in wrapping up your current projects as much as possible. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me or Human Resources if you have any questions during this process.

We wish you all the best in your future endeavors.


[Your Name] [Your Title]

Importance of a Good Resignation Acceptance Letter

A well-crafted resignation acceptance letter holds significant value for both the employer and the departing employee. For the employer, it serves as formal documentation of the resignation and establishes a clear record of the employee’s last day of work. This can be crucial in legal or HR matters down the line. The letter also allows the company to express appreciation for the employee’s contributions, fostering goodwill and potentially maintaining a positive relationship. This can be beneficial for future reference checks or even the possibility of the employee returning to the company someday.

For the employee, a good resignation acceptance letter provides a sense of closure and confirms the details surrounding their departure. It can also help ease the transition process by outlining any next steps or responsibilities. Receiving a positive and appreciative letter can leave a lasting impression and contribute to the employee’s overall experience at the company, even if they are moving on to a new opportunity.

Tips for Writing a Resignation Acceptance Letter

Here are some tips for writing a resignation acceptance letter:

  • Maintain a Professional Tone: Keep the letter formal and respectful, even if your relationship with the employee was informal. Avoid negativity or gossip.

  • Acknowledge the Resignation: Clearly state that you are acknowledging receipt of their resignation letter and formally accepting their decision to leave.

  • Briefly Address Reason for Leaving (if known): If the employee disclosed their reason for resigning (better work-life balance, retirement, etc.), you can acknowledge it in a sentence or two. Avoid mentioning reasons you don’t know for sure or that may be sensitive (internal conflicts).

  • Express Appreciation: Thank the employee for their contributions to the company. Mention specific projects, areas, or achievements if possible.

  • Facilitate a Smooth Transition: Briefly outline any steps the employee can take to ensure a smooth handover of their projects and responsibilities..

  • Close with Well Wishes: Express your best wishes for the employee’s future endeavors.

  • Maintain Confidentiality: Avoid mentioning any confidential information about the employee or the company in the letter.

  • Use automation:Ā Consider using HR management systems like RazorpayX Payroll Software HRMS to streamline the resignation acceptance process. These platforms often have pre-built resignation acceptance letter templates that you can customize with the employee’s details and specific reason for leaving (if known). This can save you time and ensure you’re covering all the essential points in a professional manner.

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