WordPress is a platform used to build websites and manage content. Anyone can use the platform to develop all sorts of websites imaginable. WordPress was launched in 2003 as a blogging platform, but with increasing user needs, it has transformed into a Content Management System (CMS). 

For improving the functionality of WordPress websites, various plugins were introduced. Currently, WordPress has more than 50,000 plugins in its directory and thousands more on third-party websites. With such a large number of plugins, it becomes formidable for website owners to choose the right plugin for their WordPress websites. 

What’s the need for WordPress plugins?

Think of plugins as the basic building cells of your website. These plugins help you build a fully functional website by improving Search Engine Optimization (SEO), increasing website speed, adding contact forms, etc. Plugins can help your website have whatever a visitor requires. 

Choosing the right plugin from a pool of 50,000+ plugins is an intimidating job. We have come up with the top 7 WordPress plugins that you will need for sure. 

HubSpot WordPress Plugin

Hubspot helps you attract and engage all your contacts and customers with its functionalities. This plugin offers Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Contact Management. It adds live chat and chatbots to your website. You can keep checking your website using Hubspot’s Website Analytics. It is an all-in-one solution for your website. This plugin is the most important of all the plugins available. 

Yoast WordPress Plugin 

Who does not want their website to be topping the search engine results? Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the answer, and Yoast SEO Plugin gives you just that. With the correct usage of SEO, your website can rank at the top in search engines, and your website will get more visitors. 

Elementor WordPress Plugin 

Elementor WordPress plugin lets you beautifully design your website live without having to switch between the preview mode and editor back and forth. You don’t need to use code or Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to design your website. You can create complex layouts all by yourself without relying on a developer to do it for you. The user interface is easy to understand. 

W3 Total Cache WordPress Plugin

Did you know that the loading speed of your website affects customer satisfaction? A study says that 64% of smartphone users want webpages to load on their phones within four seconds. For example, e-commerce retailing giant, Amazon, found out in a study that $1.6 billion in revenue can be lost over a single second delay in website loading.

W3 Total Cache WordPress plugin helps you reduce the website loading time by caching (storing data) and providing that data faster the next time a user wants it. Increasing website loading speed optimizes the website to rank even better on search engines and helps with the conversion rate. 

Smush WordPress Plugin 

Optimizing Image files on your website plays a pivotal role in improving website speed. Smush helps you optimize every image. It compresses each image across your website automatically. You don’t need to manually do this tedious task. 

iThemes Security

Your site’s security is significant for your business. Many plugins offer website security. In this regard, iThemes is known for its effectiveness and the number of ways in which it protects your website. It offers more than 30 ways to protect your site’s data, including two-factor authentication and malware scanning. 

Razorpay Payment Button Plugin 

Once you complete designing your website and are ready to engage visitors and convert them into your customers, you need a payment button plugin to accept payment on the WordPress website. 

Razorpay Payment Button Plugin is the best payment button plugin option for your WordPress- and Elementor-built websites. The Razorpay Payment Button Plugin works with both paid and free WordPress plans. If you are on a paid plan, you can directly install the Razorpay Payment Button Plugin from the WordPress Store. If you have a free WordPress plan, you will have to use MAMP (Mac, Apache, MySQL, PHP) and set up a local WordPress site to implement the Payment Button Plugin. 



Start accepting one time and recurring payments on your website. Set up one or multiple payment plans according to your business model. Offer your customers 100+ payment modes(UPI, NEFT, Cards, Wallets, and more) via a single WordPress payment plugin.


How to build a website with WordPress plugins

So, assuming that you are new to this and want to create a website without spending much money, time, and effort, we have come up with a step by step guide to help you build a working WordPress website using plugins. 

  • Set up your domain name (it will look like www.pluginsarebest.com) and hosting provider (all your website’s data will be stored here). 
  • Install WordPress.
  • Choose your theme from the templates offered by WordPress. 
  • Once you choose the templates, start adding posts to your WordPress website. 
  • Your website needs customization following your business needs. So, begin customizing your website to make it more user-friendly. 
  • WordPress plugins installation is the next step. To do this, you will have to head to the Plugins section. You will find the plugin section in your admin dashboard. The dashboard shows you all the pre-installed plugins on your website. Don’t forget to activate the plugin after installing it. Without activation, the plugin won’t work. 
  • Optimize your website so that your website loads quickly. You can use a caching plugin, Smush WordPress plugin, and others for this purpose. 

A great website matters a lot to your business. You cannot connect with each customer personally. Your website is the best way to connect with your visitors and leads and convert them into customers. You can portray a positive image of your business through a perfectly developed website having all the things that a customer needs.



An avid football fan and a Fintech enthusiast.

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