Google Omnichannel Integration - Custom Checkout

Integrate Google Omnichannel at Razorpay's Custom Checkout page for web and Android apps.

You can integrate your custom applications or Android Apps with Google Omnichannel to enable your customers to make payments via GPay. The customers can click the notification sent by Google Pay and complete the payment on their mobile phones.

  1. for a business account with Google Pay.
  2. and have them whitelist your UPI ID/VPA.
  3. Verify your UPI ID/VPA details on the . Google deposits a small amount into the bank account linked to your VPA (UPI ID).
  4. You should have already integrated the Razorpay Checkout with your application using one of the following:
  5. from the Dashboard.

While creating a request, there is no need to ask for vpa from your customer. The intent request is sent to the customer's registered phone number.

"key": "<YOUR_KEY_ID>",
"amount": 5000,
"email": "",
"contact": "9123456780",
"method": "upi",
"_[flow]": "intent",
"upi_provider": "google_pay"

When the user enters the phone number, along with the Checkout fields, you need to submit method, upi_provider and _[flow] options along with the other Checkout fields as shown below:

JSONObject data = new JSONObject();
data.put("amount", 100000); //pass in paise (amount: 100000 equals ₹1000)
data.put("email", ""); //customer's email address
data.put("contact", "9876543210"); //customer's mobile number
JSONObject notes = new JSONObject();
notes.put("custom_field", "Make it so."); //notes for the payment, if any
data.put("notes", notes);
data.put("method", "upi"); // mandatory for Omnichannel
data.put("_[flow]", "intent"); // mandatory for Omnichannel
data.put("upi_provider", "google_pay"); // mandatory for Omnichannel
razorpay.submit(data, new PaymentResultWithDataListener()
.......... // add your custom logic

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