Why does customer engagement matter?

An article by American Express suggests that it is five to six times more expensive for businesses to find a new customer than it is to retain an old one. Omnichannel retail businesses often struggle with customer engagement and retention after the purchase due to:

  1. Limited touchpoints
  2. Inefficient targeting
  3. Blanket offers and promotions

These challenges necessitate a strategic approach and investment in new engagement mediums to create a seamless and personalized post-purchase journey. 

The solution?

RazorpayBillme Digital Bill is the solution you are looking for.
Your bill is not just a tax invoice anymore. You can pick and create stunning digital experiences to engage your customers better. You can choose from various touchpoints that can transform your digital bill into a personalised engagement channel. 

Why does my business need this?

Apart from creating a visually appealing post-purchase touchpoint, the Digital Bill is excellent at enabling targeted communications to customers. It can help drive up customer engagement and improve retention significantly. You can create a new communication channel that enables you to upsell and expand revenue.

What are some engagement touchpoints on my Digital Bill?

Digital Bill is completely customizable, and you can create a rich interactive experience by choosing from a wide range of media assets. Here are 4 ways you can improve your customer engagement with your digital bill.

    1. Boost engagement and brand visibility with rich media

Rich media such as images, carousels, GIFs, videos or embedded YouTube links elevate the user experience on the digital bill. They can be customized based on customer’s likes and preferences, thereby enhancing effectiveness.
Here are some ways you can boost engagement and brand visibility on the digital bill:


    • Pop-up: Use pop-ups to bring attention to new products, announcements, seasonal offers, end-of-season sales and much more information at a single go!
    • Banner:A banner is like a hero fold banner on a website that also be set up as a carousel. It can be used to advertise special offers, sales, or seasonal products.
    • Sticky footer: Sticky footers remain visible as users scroll through the digital bill, thus increasing recall. Get users to download an app or visit a website using a button here.
    1. Promotions tailored to your customers’ needs

Customers who receive promotional offers tailored to their preferences and shopping behavior feel understood and valued, thus leading to higher satisfaction and hence better retention. Here are two ways you can tailor promotions to your customers’ needs.


    • Distributing coupons and cross-selling products:  Include a coupon right below the invoice section of the digital bill for the next purchase a customer makes to drive repurchase behavior. For example, a popular footwear brand created a coupon where if a customer buys product A, they are eligible for a 20% discount on product B. 
    • Product recommender: Provide personalised suggestions to customers tailored to their likes and preferences. The customer can directly add these products to their cart from the bill and make a purchase. This not only improves the customer experience but also increases the likelihood of conversions and sales.
      1. Get deeper customer insights

Gaining insights into your customers’ motivations and challenges can help you tailor products, services, and marketing efforts better. This personalized approach enhances customer satisfaction and aids in building stronger relationships and loyalty. Here’s how you can get deeper customer insights using your digital bills:


      • Feedback: Collect Google ratings, Net Promoter Score (NPS) and star ratings using the digital bill. This can help you understand your customer’s sentiments accurately and gauge their shopping experience. 
      • Surveys: While feedback would have limited options, you can use surveys to gather detailed feedback or inputs after purchase about their shopping experience and satisfaction. 
    1. Increased brand recall

When customers consistently engage with a brand across various touchpoints, they develop a sense of familiarity and reliability. This increased engagement encourages repeat purchases and word-of-mouth referrals. Here are two ways you can increase brand recall using your digital bill:

            • Add Social handles: Additionally, you can create buttons which redirect to your brand’s social media pages from the digital bill, thereby making your online presence stronger.
            • Get more app downloads: Add custom buttons on your digital bill to redirect your customers to download your application. Customers can then place future orders on the application.

Additional Perk

Create an additional source of revenue by displaying third party advertisements. This generates additional revenue and can help build lasting relationships with industry stakeholders. 

The digital bill can transform how your customers experience their bills. The fully customizable digital engagement spaces can redefine how the world sees modern marketing. This new and unique channel can set you apart from the competition and take your customer engagement several notches higher. 

If you are looking to adopt the digital bill for your business and create personalized customer experiences, then RazorpayBillme is the way to go.

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