
Transfer funds to Linked Accounts, manage settlements and initiate refunds to your customers.

You can transfer funds to your Linked Accounts using Transfer APIs. Know more about

and the .

Below are the requirements to initiate a transfer:

  • Your account must have sufficient funds to process the transfer to the Linked Account. The transfer will fail in case of insufficient funds.
  • You can only transfer the captured payments.
  • You can create more than one transfer on a payment_id. However, the total transfer amount (payment amount + fee) should not exceed the captured payment amount.
  • You cannot request a transfer on payment once a refund has been initiated.

API EndpointDescription
Creates Transfers from the received Orders
Creates Transfers to Linked Accounts once the payments are captured.
Transfers funds directly from your account balance to the Linked Accounts
Transfers funds directly from your account balance to the Linked Accounts
Fetches transfers created for a specific payment
Fetches transfers created for a specific Order ID
Displays specific transfer details
Retrieves the collection of transfers created for a particular Settlement ID
Displays the details of settlements made to Linked Accounts
Displays all the payments received by a Linked Account
Initiates a payment refund to a customer
Initiates a reversal of funds from the Linked Account to your account
Fetches reversals for a Transfer
Modifies the settlement configuration for a particular transfer_id

Route transfers can be performed only on captured payments. You can capture payments from the

or using the .

The transfer entity has the following attributes:


string Unique identifier of the transfer.


string The name of the entity. Here, it is transfer.


string The status of the transfer. Possible values are:

  • created
  • pending
  • processed
  • failed
  • reversed
  • partially_reversed


string The status of the settlement. Possible values are:

  • pending
  • on_hold
  • settled


string Unique identifier of the transfer source. The source can be a payment or an order.


string Unique identifier of the transfer destination, that is, the Linked Account.


integer The amount to be transferred to the Linked Account, in paise. For example, for an amount of ₹200.35, the value of this field should be 20035.


string ISO currency code. We support route transfers only in INR.


integer Amount reversed from this transfer for refunds.


json object Set of key-value pairs that can be associated with an entity. These pairs can be useful for storing additional information about the entity. A maximum of 15 key-value pairs, each of 256 characters (maximum), are supported. For example, "region": "south", "city": "Bangalore".


string Provides error details that may occur during transfers.


string Type of the error.


string Error description.


string Name of the parameter in the API request that caused the error.


string The point of failure in the specific operation. For example, customer, business and so on.


string The stage where the transaction failure occurred. Stages can be different depending on the payment method used to make the transaction.


string The exact error reason. It can be handled programmatically.


array List of keys from the notes object which needs to be shown to Linked Accounts on their Dashboard. For example, "region", "city". Only the keys will be shown, not values.


boolean Indicates whether the account settlement for transfer is on hold. Possible values:

  • 1: Puts the settlement on hold.
  • 0: Releases the settlement.


integer Timestamp, in Unix format, indicates until when the settlement of the transfer must be put on hold. If no value is passed, the settlement is put on hold indefinitely.


string Unique identifier of the settlement.


integer Timestamp, in Unix, at which the record was created.

"name":"Saurav Kumar",
"description":"Transfer failed due to insufficient balance",
"name":"Saurav Kumar",
"description":"Transfer amount was greater than amount available for transfer",

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