We know that as a business owner, a lot of your time goes into finding productive ways to get tasks done. On an average day, a lot of your work depends on at least 100 different software programs. Aligning all your business processes sounds like an entrepreneur’s dream, but getting there is still a head-banging, frustrating process. 

Unless you automate (at least some of) these business tools to work together.

The problem is this: not all tools speak with each other

For example, 

  • Can your finance team get all entries from Razorpay’s Payment Page onto a Google sheet? 
  • Wouldn’t your marketing team love to update a Facebook lead based on their recent order on Razorpay’s Payment Gateway? 
  • Is there a way to automate these tasks without waiting for the developers to build integrations? 
  • Worse, if the process is business-critical, how can you avoid spending thousands of dollars on custom code?

Well, now you can!

At Razorpay, our focus remains to empower business owners to get the most out of our products by partnering with their favourite business tools. That’s why we are now excited to launch Razorpay’s integration with Zapier!

What is Zapier?

Zapier is built to help connect most of the web apps you used to automate tedious tasks without writing a single line of code. Today, many business owners use Zapier to automate 3,000+ apps in millions of ways. 

In the last few months, many of our customers called out the need to integrate Razorpay with Zapier:

Razorpay Zapier Tweet CollageWe heard you!

What Does Razorpay’s Integration with Zapier Mean for You?

Many things, actually.

Let’s suppose you want to update a Facebook lead based on their recent order through Razorpay’s Payment Gateway. On any day before today, you’d have to:

  • either manually pull customer data from Razorpay and update your lead database 
  • Or, write a custom application that automates this process flow.  

But, not today!

Now with Zapier, you simply set up a workflow called a ‘Zap’ by tying a trigger from Razorpay’s app to action in the Facebook app – without writing a single line of code!

Customers who Have Already ‘Zapped’ with Razorpay

Razorpay has launched a variety of triggers like payment captured, payment failed, payment page paid and more. With these triggers, you can now build interesting workflows that are relevant for your business by connecting with 3000+ apps in the Zapier stack. 

The possibilities are limitless! To give you a taste of the excitement, here are some workflows we have already created with a few of our early customers – 

1. Data management apps

Today, data is at the centre of every business decision-making process. Most business professionals today work with tools like Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel and more! With Zapier, you can now update a Google sheet whenever there is a new successful or failed payment or when your customer makes a payment against an invoice. Try these zaps to get a taste of this:

Integrate Google sheets with Razorpay  –>

Integrate Microsoft Excel with Razorpay –>

2. Marketing automation apps

Want to send a custom “Thank You” email when a new order is placed or drip emails to get customers back when a payment fails? All of this is now possible with Razorpay by ‘zapping’ with apps like Mailgun, ActiveCampaign, GetResponse and many more!

Have fun integrating Gmail with Razorpay –>

3. Accounting apps

Accounting is an integral part of any business, but still, a lot of accounting tasks are extremely mundane. By integrating Razorpay payments with accounting software like Quickbooks, Zoho Books, you can automate some of these tasks easily.

Now, you can integrate Zoho Books with Razorpay–>

4. Online Course aggregators

We realised a lot of our Payment Pages customers use online platforms like Teachable, and Thinkific to sell their courses online. Most of these people are entrepreneurs and businesses owned by individuals where information like syncing paid customers with student enrolment is business-critical yet difficult. With Zapier, you can now automate this seamlessly. 

Integrate  Teachable with Razorpay–>

Integrate Thinkific with Razorpay –>

This is just the beginning! We can’t wait to see what more innovative workflows you will create with Razorpay.

What next? 

We are constantly investing in plugins and extensions that business owners can use while using Razorpay’s products. Stay tuned to hear more exciting integration updates at our end. 

Meanwhile, do you have any new integration ideas that could create a better experience for you on Razorpay’s platform?   

We are all ears!


Shweta writes content for Razorpay's Partnerships team. She's also a public transit enthusiast who's exploring her newfound love for geo-caching.

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