NGOs are the pillars of humanity. Whenever there is a disaster, there are NGOs at the rescue. 

Responsenet is an NGO enabler and implementer. They partner with multiple corporates for their internal and external donation collection needs. With over 15 years of experience,  today, the teams at Responsenet work with other NGOs to collect donations. 

While everything was in place for Responsenet, a considerable chunk of their time was spent in sending payment receipts manually. Typically, they would send out 2300-2500 80G receipts in a month. There was a dire need to automate this process so they can use the time and effort for other important tasks at hand. 

Let’ talk about Responsenet’s journey with Razorpay and understand how did they overcome their only challenge – sending automated receipts. 

Talk of the past

Razorpay recently launched 80G automated receipts on Payment Pages. Before the launch of this product, the process to send receipts to donors, for Responsenet Team was a little complex and 100% manual. 

Let’s understand a day in their life before the advent of 80G automated receipts. 

  1. Once a donation comes, it was notified to the admin/finance team through a series of manual communication. 
  2. After the admin received the notification, they used to proceed to create a manual receipt. 
  3. Another peer then double-checked this. 
  4. Once the confirmation was complete, the admin team member used to scan the receipt and send it on the donor’s mail id.

This process meant that the employees had to manually process the end-to-end execution. It might sound like an easy, and a quick thing to do, but processing 2500+ such requests every month isn’t easy. 

Listed below are some of the pain points shared by their team: 

  • Time-consuming process: It used to take up to 1-2 months to send out all the 80G receipts to donors.
  • Manual effort: A minimum of 2-3 members team was required to send out all the 80G receipts. This effort could have been better utilized in more productive business functions.
  • High chance of human error: Due to manual work, there were high chances of mistakes. A single error could cause the organization to lose a donor while showing poorly on them.
  • Overall trust and credibility: Organization’s trust and credibility was getting affected since the organisation used to take a long time to send out these receipts.
  • Higher costs: The invoicing tools available in the market are costly. Along with that, setup, administrative and maintenance charges for these tools are high. All of these requirements used to increase overhead expense for the organisation. 

How did Responsenet start using Razorpay

During the recent lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Responsenet wanted to go live with multiple campaigns including a Million Meals Campaign with KFC. KFC wanted to create an initiative through which their internal stakeholders can participate in the significant contributions made by the company and donate money for the meals and hygiene kits for affected migrant workers. 

The team at Responsenet wanted to create a custom landing page, co-branded with KFC. They decided to go live with Razorpay as the support from their existing payment partners was not up to speed. Once they went live with Razorpay, they used the Payment Pages solution to create a quick page and started accepting payments.

The cherry on the cake – Automated 80G receipts 

With donations pouring in from all parts of the world at a high rate, keeping up with receipts and invoices is not an easy task. Accepting donations, providing confirmations and generating 80G receipts for tax exemptions should not be a difficult task for NGOs like Responsenet.

[bctt tweet=”Recently, we at Razorpay, have taken a step further in our quest for innovating and creating the finest payment solution.” username=””]One of our products, Razorpay Payment Pages, has been instrumental in running several successful drives to raise funds and accept donations. To enhance the usability of this product, we introduced 80G receipts.

  • With Automated 80G receipts, an NGO can save time by automatically sending out the 80G receipts to all the customers in realtime
  • They can easily add all their NGO details so that no followup with the customer is needed
  • Manual effort is eliminated entirely, which frees up the bandwidth of existing employees to focus on other productive business functions
  • Chances of human errors are eliminated
  • The donor’s trust in the NGO’s brand goes up, and the brand perception also becomes positive

Now, let’s reconsider how Responsenet started using Razorpay. Just right in time when they created a page on Payment Pages, they received a mailer to sign up for early access to the Automated 80G feature and decided to test it out. This feature helped them solve their current problem – sending out manual 80G receipts to all the donors. 

[Read more: Simplifying 80G Receipts for NGOs with Razorpay Payment Pages]

From Responsenet’s desk

Kuldip Nar, the founder of Responsenet, says “Razorpay has come in as a breather of fresh air for us to work towards our mission of creating collaborations for impact for communities and individuals. With the over 20 years of experience, we have never found a solution that is easy to set up, create customized multiple campaigns for multiple ongoing projects, outreach with simple one URL solution, no setup or maintenance fees, efficient settlement cycles, multiple payment modes for donors and a real-time dashboard for us to report to donors among the many other features which have helped us efficiently fundraise and report to internal and external stakeholders.”

It’s your turn

Payment Page Receipts aim to help NGOs streamline their operations and ease a significant chunk of their administrative burden. Do Razorpay Payment Pages and the automated receipts seem like a thing for your business? 

Check out our Payment Pages demo and unlock the secret to hassle-free payments and secure payments!


Khushali is a content marketer at Razorpay. A logophile, traveler and inbound marketing enthusiast, she loves questioning the 'why' and 'how' of almost everything.

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