What is Razorpay OTP Assist?

Manually entering OTPs can be a cumbersome process for customers, often causing delays and frustration during online transactions. However, there’s a solution on the horizon: Razorpay OTP Assist. Designed to streamline the authentication process, Razorpay OTP Assist automates the retrieval, filling, and submission of OTPs, eliminating the need for manual entry. This innovative solution enhances the overall transaction experience for customers and businesses alike, ensuring smoother and more efficient online transactions.

How Razorpay OTP Assist Works

Razorpay OTP Assist streamlines the authentication process by automating the retrieval and submission of OTPs. Here’s how it works:

Automatic OTP Retrieval: When a customer initiates a transaction, OTP Assist automatically fetches the OTP. 

Effortless OTP Application: The retrieved OTP is seamlessly applied to the transaction, eliminating the need for customers to enter the code manually.

Instant Submission: Once the OTP is filled, OTP Assist swiftly submits it, ensuring a smooth and efficient transaction process.

By automating these steps, OTP Assist significantly reduces the time and effort required for authentication, resulting in faster transactions and improved user experiences.

Benefits for Customers: Improving their Shopping Experience

Razorpay OTP Assist offers a host of benefits for customers, including:

  • Convenience: With OTPs automatically retrieved and applied, customers can complete transactions with minimal effort, enhancing convenience and reducing friction during checkout.
  • Time Savings: By eliminating the need for manual entry, OTP Assist saves customers valuable time, enabling faster and more efficient transactions.

Benefits for Businesses: Driving Success and Growth

For businesses, OTP Assist delivers tangible benefits that contribute to success and growth:

  • Increased Transaction Success Rates: By optimizing authentication processes, Razorpay OTP Assist boosts transaction success rates by 3%, resulting in higher conversion rates and increased revenue for businesses.
  • Improved Customer Satisfaction: Let your customers enjoy a 4X faster OTP experience, enhancing satisfaction and loyalty with a smooth transaction process that fosters long-term relationships and repeat business. 
  • Enhanced Operational Efficiency: With automated OTP retrieval and submission, businesses can streamline their operations, reducing manual intervention and improving efficiency.

More Sales Start Now: Activate Razorpay OTP Assist

mWeb Users (Standard Checkout)

No Action Required: Razorpay OTP Assist is Now Active

We’re excited to announce that Razorpay OTP Assist is now seamlessly integrated and automatically active for mWeb standard checkout users. This means your customers can enjoy a frictionless checkout experience with automatic OTP read and submit functionality. This enhancement will boost your conversion rates by 10%.

mWeb Users (Magic Checkout)

No Action Required: Razorpay OTP Assist is Now Active

Similar to mWeb standard checkout, Razorpay OTP Assist is already live and active for Magic Checkout users. They’ll benefit from the automatic OTP read and submit feature, eliminating the need for manual entry and driving a 10% increase in your conversion rates.

mApp Users (Standard Checkout)

To enable OTP Assist, you’ll need to upgrade to the latest Razorpay Android SDK. If your current version is 1.6.33 or below, upgrading ensures you can leverage the auto-read and auto-submit functionality for a smoother checkout experience.

mApp Users (Custom Checkout)

To activate OTP Assist for mApp custom checkout, follow these steps:

  1. Upgrade to the latest Razorpay Android SDK.
  2. Once upgraded, click on this link and follow the steps in our comprehensive integration guide: https://razorpay.com/docs/payments/payment-gateway/android-integration/custom/otp-assist/

mApp Users (S2S)

To enable Razorpay OTP Assist for mApp S2S, follow these steps: 

  1. Install the latest custom SDK.
  2. Once done, click on this link and follow the steps in the integration document- https://razorpay.com/docs/payments/payment-gateway/s2s-integration/features/otp-assist/

Embrace a seamless checkout experience with Razorpay OTP Assist. Start simplifying payments today!


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