“My keen interest in nutrition and the right kind of food started during my weight loss journey when I lost almost 30 kgs in 2 years in 2014 (86kgs-56kgs) in an effort to become fit. But a lot changed when the problem of wrong foods affected my personal life through a serious disease that made me find my way #BacktotheRoots, the natural way of living and the diet.” said Ridhima, founder of Namhya Foods. 

Namhya Foods faced a few challenges, but they faced those challenges with grace. Read Namyha Foods’ inspirational journey and learn about their unique brand that sells ayurvedic products, a few obstacles they encountered in scaling their business, and the changes they saw after implementing Razorpay Magic Checkout. Read this Magic Checkout case study to get inspired! 

Meet the Team- Namhya Foods

Namhya Foods Team <> A Magic Checkout case study

Namhya Foods started in 2019 and offers an assortment of ayurvedic and herbal products, such as liver cleanse tea, period care tea, lungs cleanse tea, immunity booster latte, Kashmiri kahwa, and more. The brand focuses on creating products that will heal the human body and soul to live healthier lives. While the brand takes care of everyone’s food, the brand says that people should look after their life too. The brand promises to provide the utmost quality food products with an effort for everyone to live fulfilling lives. 

Learn More About Namhya Foods 

The Challenge

Lesser Conversion Rates Because of a Complicated Checkout Process  

The overall checkout & purchase experience wasn’t as seamless and effortless as compared to marketplaces such as Amazon, Flipkart, or Swiggy; which contributed tremendously to their low order conversion rates. 

Customers were abandoning their carts and Namhya Foods wanted an immediate solution to counter that. Along with the lower order conversion rate, the brand struggled with high RTO rates which impacted their net order conversion rates. 

Our brand is new in the market and it wasn’t easy to make people understand that Ayurveda is more than herbal teas. It helps both ways- one can take it as a precaution and also to cope with different health issues, such as PCOD. 

The Solution 

5X Faster, One-Click Checkout- Razorpay Magic Checkout to the Rescue 

With Razorpay Magic Checkout, Namhya Foods’ consumer purchase experience became a lot smoother. Magic Checkout automatically prefilled shoppers’ contact and shipping information leading to a 5x faster order completion process, which boosted their order conversion rate. 

Not just this, Razorpay Magic Checkout also helped the brand bring down their RTO rates by flagging high RTO risk users and automatically disabling the COD option in real time for them. 

Read Also: VS Mani & Co.’s Order Conversion Rate Increased By 27% 

The Impact

Namhya Foods impact <> A Magic Checkout case study

Ridhima, Namhya Foods on Razorpay Magic Checkout 

Namhya Foods testimonial

Join Razorpay Magic Checkout to Boost Your Order Conversion Rate 

Just like Namhya Foods, increasing order conversion rates is the goal for every eCommerce business. If you want to provide your customers with an enhanced checkout experience, increase order conversion rates, and decrease RTO rates, get in touch! We can help you fulfill your business goals.


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