Do you want to collect payments online from your customers every month without the hassle of multiple reminders? Businesses who offer content subscriptions, software as a service (SaaS) or club memberships can now collect recurring payments from their customers using Razorpay. Your customers can enjoy uninterrupted service without the hassle of making payments on a regular schedule.


At Razorpay we’ve always focused on simplifying payments for both businesses and customers alike. For the past few months our product team has been highly involved in developing recurring payments feature as an add on to the plethora of payment solutions offered by Razorpay. Recurring payments is just one more step in our journey to making online payments simple.

You can collect recurring payments from customers from India and abroad, without the manual intervention of the customer for each instance of the payment. With this, we aim to reduce a lot of manual work for businesses as well as customers, meaning more overall efficiency in the way you perform.

Here is a basic process flow of how the product will work:

  1. The customer signs up on your platform for the service and selects a plan for a timely subscription.
  2. At the time of the first payment, he fills up the card details and agrees to apply recurring payment through a checkbox.
  3. If the customer has an Indian issued credit card, the first transaction will go through a standard 2FA flow (OTP / Mastercard Secure password / Verified by Visa Password)
  4. If an international customer, the transaction will go through without 2FA.
  5. Through backend APIs, at the initiation of the transaction, you can let us know transaction characteristics like amount, schedule and the duration of the recurring plan.
  6. On the specified date, we automatically debit (without any intervention from the customer) the specified amount from the customer’s credit card and send them a confirmation of the same.

We are looking at a public rollout in a phased manner in the near future. Meanwhile, we are making recurring payments solution available to merchants on invite-only basis. Visit this page to know more.


Harshil Mathur is the CEO and Co-founder of Razorpay. A mechanical engineer by degree and coder by passion, Harshil also likes to practice Karate in his free time.

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