RazorpayX festive season

Unlocking business growth during the festive season brought equal amounts of excitement and anxiety to Vedika. But just when she had figured out everything from payments to operational efficiency for Decor Wise, she was left in the dark, once again. 

But before we move any further, here’s a quick recap of Vedika’s journey –

Starting from a one-woman army, Vedika had now built a great team along with a strong online & offline presence for Decor Wise. From the days of struggling with payments, she was now able to manage her entire business banking operations seamlessly.

While setting up Decor Wise, Vedika had understood that running a successful online business is not an easy task at any given time. And she knew that managing the supply chain of raw materials, logistics and surge in orders during the peak of a festive season will be another ball-game. 

Business growth during festive season

Getting prepared to Unlock Business Growth

Vedika knew she needed to be ready for the fierce competition during the festive season. This was the golden period that could boost her revenues exponentially.

She had to bring her A-game in running top-notch marketing campaigns, procuring raw materials, managing logistics & making sure all the orders are delivered accurately & on time.

For all of this, she needed extra capital. Beyond the cash-flow that was coming in through the existing sales.

Business growth during festive season

Vedika had come to trust Razorpay with all her money movement & was sure that Razorpay Capital would be a perfect solution to solve her cash flow challenges during the festive period. 

She applied for a collateral-free working capital loan with Razorpay in minutes, online. Within 3 days, the money got credited to her bank account.  

Decor Wise was now ready for the expected increase in sales during the festive season.

Vedika had just done one of the most important jobs of sourcing capital, all while sitting from her office & with no harm to her day-to-day activities. Vedika let a sigh of relief & gave herself a well-deserved pat on the back. 

She thought to herself, “Business growth during the festive season – Check.” 

Going an extra mile for those who matter 

Vedika knew her biggest strength was her employees. Even with the best tools & infrastructure, she couldn’t have reached 2X business growth for Decor Wise in such a short period of time without her team. 

This festive season, she wanted to do something extra for them. 

Decor wise was all set to process additional orders during the peak season with ready access to capital. Vedika was confident that the sales would rise leading to increased revenue. But, she was searching for a solution that could get the customer payments settled faster than the regular settlement cycle for a ready inflow of cash. 

Vedika opted for Razorpay’s On-demand Instant Settlement, got the customer payments settled instantly & paid her employees even before the festive season began.

And just like that, with a click of a button, salaries got credited into her employees’ accounts, a week earlier with a little extra for the festive season. 

Now, she felt at peace. 

With her business finances on autopilot & a happy team, it was in this moment she realised that following her calling & not accepting that lucrative job offer was the best thing she ever did. 

The family that does it all

Being encapsulated in her own hustle & bustle, Vedika could still see how hard Arjun, her husband was working to help the disabled kids. Day in, day out – he was trying his best to raise funds for their education

Just a quick recap – Arjun was able to build a strong online presence for his NGO through Razorpay Payment Pages. So much so, that he was getting orders from every part of the country. 

The story & craft of these children had touched a million hearts. 

The problem was, Arjun didn’t expect such a spike in demands so soon. He was struggling to buy the raw materials children needed to build their craft items and to pay the delivery partners to get it shipped in time for the festive season. 

Unlike Vedika, who had anticipated the surge & applied for a working capital loan well in advance. Arjun didn’t. 

Did that mean he’ll not be able to fulfil the dreams of these children? 

Vedika assessed the situation quickly & introduced Arjun to Razorpay’s Cash Advance solution. Without thinking twice, he applied for the cash advance & got money credited to his bank account in 10 seconds. 

Arjun used the cash advance to buy the raw materials for children’s craft items. Once the kids got their hands on the raw materials they got the items ready to ship in no time. He later negotiated a price with the logistics partners & with an extra fee, they agreed to deliver the crafts in the short time he had. 

And with the help of Razorpay Cash Advance, he could raise more funds for his NGO than he had ever dreamt of.

Arjun & Vedika were now ready to celebrate & spread happiness. 

Business Growth Unlocked

We at Razorpay are proud to partner with entrepreneurs, disruptors, and innovators like Vedika & Arjun who believe in turning their dreams into a legacy. 

Join 20 Lakh+ businesses on Razorpay & unlock business growth during this festive season just like Decor Wise.


And with this, we come to the end of our Business Growth series. We wish you and your loved ones a very happy festive season & a successful growth journey. 


Suhani is a Content Marketer at RazorpayX, and she is passionate about all things related to reading, writing, and food. 

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