Account Validation Composite

Composite Account Validation for RazorpayX, APIs and webhook payload. Validate your customersā€™ bank account or VPA with a single API before you make payouts.

Coming Soon!

This API allows you to create contact, it's fund account and validate the bank account (using penny-drop/penniless) and VPA IDs of your customers, in a single API call.

Watch Out!

  • Fund Account Validation is possible only for RazorpayX Lite.
  • This feature is not available in test mode.
  • It is mandatory to that you use while making payouts via APIs or the request will fail.

After you validate a Fund Account, it moves to the following statuses in its life cycle.

Fund/Bank Account Validation workflow states can be created, and then either be completed or failed.


This state is assigned to an account validation transaction after Razorpay receives the API request. At this stage, we are awaiting a response from the beneficiary's bank. The account details have not been validated.
We do not recommend making payouts to the account while the account validation transaction is still in this status.


This state indicates that the account validation transaction was completed. The completed status does not mean the bank account or VPA is valid. It just means the account validation transaction was completed and results are available to you via the API response and webhooks payloads.
Based on the response, you can decide if you should make a payout to the account.


This state indicates that the account validation transaction has failed due to a technical error.

Before you fire APIs, keep your Key id and Key Secret available. You can

in Live Mode on the .

API EndpointDescription
Create Contact, Fund Account with bank details and Validate the Contact's bank account information in a single API call.
Create Contact, Fund Account with VPA and Validate the Contact's bank account information in a single API call.
Retrieves all account validation transactions.
Retrieves a single account validation transaction with ID.

The Account Validation entity has the following fields:


string The unique identifier linked to the fund account. For example, fa_00000000000001.


string Here it will be fund_account.validation.


string The status of the account validation transaction. Possible values:

  • created
  • completed
  • failed


object Result of the validation.


string Displays if the account is valid or not. Possible values:

  • valid
  • invalid


string The name linked to the account. For example,Gaurav Kumar.


string Details of the beneficiary account depending on the validation result.


string A score between 0 - 100.

  • 100: The name provided by you and the bank registered name are the same.
  • 0: There is no match between the name provided by you and the bank registered name.
  • Between 0 & 100: There is a partial match between the name provided by you and the bank registered name.


object This parameter returns the current status of the customer's bank account.


string A description for the status. For example, Validation request is completed.


string Possible values:

  • gateway: Technical error at Razorpay Partner bank.
  • beneficiary_bank: Technical error at beneficiary bank.
  • business: Merchant action required.
  • internal: Technical error at Razorpay's server.


string The reason for the status, based on the description. For example, validation_completed.


object Fund account details to which the payout was made.


string The unique identifier linked to the fund account. For example, fa_00000000000001.


string Here it will be fund_account.


string The fund account type being created. Here it will either be bank_account or vpa.


object The contact's bank account details.


string Account holder's name. For example,Gaurav Kumar.


string The contact's bank name. For example, HDFC.


string Beneficiary bank IFSC. For example, HDFC0000053.


string Beneficiary account number. For example, 765432123456789.


object The contact's virtual payment address (VPA) details.


string The virtual payment address. For example, gaurav.kumar@exampleupi.


object Contact details to which the payout was made.


string The unique identifier linked to the contact. For example, cont_00000000000001.


string The entity being created. Here, it will be contact.


string The contact's name. For example, Gaurav Kumar.


string The contact's email address. For example,


string The contact's phone number. For example, 9000090000.


string A classification for the contact being created. For example, employee.


string A user-generated reference given to the payout. Maximum length is 40 characters. For example, 112233. You can use this field to store your own transaction ID, if any.


object User-entered notes for internal reference. This is a key-value pair. You can enter a maximum of 15 key-value pairs. For example, "note_key": "Beam me up Scottyā€¯.


boolean Possible values of Fund Account status:

  • true: active
  • false: inactive


integer Timestamp, in Unix, when the fund account was created. For example, 1543650891.

"id": "fav_00000000000001",
"entity": "fund_account.validation",
"status": "completed",
"validation_results": {
"account_status": "valid",
"registered_name": "Gaurav Kumar",
"details": "The beneficiary account is valid." ,
"name_match_score": 100
"status_details": {
"description": "Validation request is completed",
"source": "beneficiary_bank",
"reason": "validation_completed"
"reference_id": "112233",
"notes": {
"random_key_1": "Make it so.",
"random_key_2": "Tea. Earl Grey. Hot."
"fund_account": {
"id": "fa_00000000000001",
"entity": "fund_account",
"account_type": "bank_account",
"bank_account": {
"name": "Gaurav Kumar",
"bank_name": "HDFC",
"ifsc": "HDFC0000053",
"account_number": "765432123456789"
"active": true,
"created_at": 1567064019,
"contact": {
"id": "cont_00000000000001",
"entity": "contact",
"name":"Gaurav Kumar",
"reference_id":"Acme Contact ID 12345",
"active": true,
"created_at": 1567064019,
"notes_key_1":"Tea, Earl Grey, Hot",
"notes_key_2":"Tea, Earl Grey... decaf."

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