Craft & Glory stands for unparalleled quality. We meticulously handcraft each product, ensuring longevity and uniqueness due to our use of all-natural materials.-  Rohit Anand, co-founder of Craft & Glory. 

Explore Craft & Glory’s success story with this Magic Checkout case study. Craft & Glory isn’t just your ordinary leather product brand; it’s a source of inspiration. Behind every e-commerce brand, there’s a unique narrative waiting to be discovered, and Craft & Glory’s story is one that truly captivates. Join us on this journey to uncover the remarkable tale of this brand, the hurdles it faced, and the pivotal role played by Razorpay Magic Checkout—a one-click checkout solution—in surmounting these challenges.

About Craft & Glory 

About Craft & Glory <> Magic Checkout case study

Where passion meets craftsmanship, and quality stands the test of time.

Co-founded by Rohit Anand, Craft & Glory, based in Gurgaon, India, represents a collective of artisans and leather enthusiasts. Their journey epitomizes passionate craftsmanship, specializing in handmade leather goods such as duffle bags, leather sneakers, work boots, belts, briefcases, satchels, and an array of other timeless offerings.

For over half a decade, Craft & Glory’s enchanting creations graced the shelves of their Delhi store. Now, their exquisite offerings are accessible worldwide, thanks to their online presence.

Their journey began from a simple quest—to find quality gear that resonated with their personalities and lasted long. Disappointed by the scarcity of such products in India, they embarked on a mission to craft goods that matched their unique vibes and rugged lifestyles.

The brand’s foundation lies in their commitment to premium materials. They employ the finest full-grain buffalo leather, enriched with layers of waxes and oils for durability and a distinctive patina. Each leather piece tells a story, bearing the marks of its origin, from stretch marks to tick bites. Quality extends to their hardware too. Solid brass buckles and copper rivets, designed for horse saddles, ensure their products never falter due to faulty hardware.

Inspired by an era when function trumped fashion, Craft & Glory takes pride in creating minimalistic, precise, and practical goods. Their products are designed for a specific purpose and built to endure the test of time. The brand’s spotlight shines on functionality. Their creations are a tribute to enduring craftsmanship, a dedication that will echo for generations.

Learn More About Craft & Glory


Checkout Conundrum – Frustration in the Cart

Craft & Glory encountered a significant obstacle with their initial checkout process—a lengthier-than-ideal procedure that deterred potential customers and led to mounting frustration. This hurdle was a critical issue, as a seamless checkout experience is vital for retaining customers and converting visitors into buyers.

The previous checkout system required customers to navigate through multiple steps, filling out various forms and entering information that seemed redundant or time-consuming. This process took customers nearly 1.5 to 3 minutes to complete their purchase. The complexity of the process not only discouraged potential buyers but also increased the likelihood of abandoned shopping carts.

Trust Building – The Newcomer’s Dilemma

As a new business entering a competitive market, Craft & Glory faced the challenge of building trust among their target audience. Establishing credibility and reliability was a significant task, as consumers tend to be cautious when dealing with unfamiliar brands.

They recognized that trust is a cornerstone of success in the e-commerce landscape. They understood that potential customers needed assurance that their products were of high quality, their transactions would be secure, and their overall shopping experience would be positive.


Empowering Checkout Efficiency with Razorpay Magic Checkout

Craft & Glory recognized the pressing need to streamline their checkout process, mirroring the seamless experiences of e-commerce giants like Amazon and Flipkart. Upon enabling Magic Checkout, shoppers bid adieu to laborious form-filling tasks. Razorpay’s Magic Checkout accelerated the process by 5x, seamlessly pre-filling contact, shipping, and payment details for customers.

Moreover, Magic Checkout furnished Craft & Glory with comprehensive insights into cart abandonment, shedding light on the precise stages where online shoppers abandoned their carts. Armed with this knowledge, the brand could make more informed decisions to retain these potential customers.

Elevating Trust and Convenience with Razorpay Magic Checkout

The brand offers a range of premium products and seeks to enhance the shopping experience by introducing more payment options, including EMI. While the task proved challenging in the past, Magic Checkout effortlessly integrated the EMI payment method, expanding the customer base. The Razorpay Trust Business badge further cemented customer loyalty and trust, assuring them of the utmost security for their transactions.


Impact on Craft & Glory <> Magic Checkout case study

Also Read: Dermatouch’s Journey: Razorpay Magic’s One-Click Checkout Impact!

Craft & Glory on Razorpay Magic Checkout 

I’ve recommended Razorpay Magic Checkout and other Razorpay products to fellow founders. My trust in Razorpay runs deep; they consistently deliver outstanding products and exceptional support. Their team goes the extra mile, even responding at 10 p.m. Razorpay’s commitment to people, products, and quick resolutions has been a driving force behind our business growth.– Rohit Anand, co-founder of Craft & Glory. 

Turbocharge Your Online Store’s Checkout Experience by 5X! 

If you’re seeking to emulate the lightning-fast and effortless checkout experience of Craft & Glory, it’s time to explore Razorpay Magic Checkout, your gateway to elevating your checkout process. With our one-click checkout solution, you can revolutionize your e-commerce store by siginificantly reducing cart abandonment and RTO rates, ultimately supercharging your sales.

Try Razorpay Magic Checkout

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