We’re starting this article off on a happy note with the success of the first edition of Razorpay’s #UnlockGrowth webinar series. We had over 1800 attendees from different business verticals. Not just that, we were trending on Twitter at #15! The only common thing in between all of them was the quest to learn ways to generate more sales for their business.

For everyone who wants a second look at everything that went down and for those who want a first look because they missed it, here’s a summary of the entire webinar.

We had Deepak Kankaraju, CEO PixelTrack.com and DigitalDeepak.com, Vaibhav Sisinty, Growth Hacker at Sisinty.com along with Vedanarayan Vedantham, SME Business Head Razorpay. All of these experts teamed up to share some insightful tips on improving and enhancing the lead generation process. 

Topics covered in the webinar

During the webinar, we managed to scoop out some of the most enriching discussions between all the three speakers. Here’s a condensed list of all the topics covered at our recent webinar.

How to acquire your initial set of audience

One of the best ways to get those initial ten customers is to reach out to them. Two things that are crucial while you reach out to them are: the right targeting & building a level of trust through the process. If both of these factors are taken care of, the targeted people will become your audience. 

[bctt tweet=”Your first ten customers can come from your own set of the network. They can be the co-founders or the core team’s friends, family or people from the professional contact.” username=””]This brings us to the action item for this – a strong personal brand. However, it is essential to make sure that those initial set of customers are open to give you honest feedback! 

Secondly, you should start inviting your initial ten customers even before your product goes live. To achieve this, you can create a ‘Coming Soon‘ page. This can be your pre-launch strategy. In the long run, your entire brainstorming session on ‘How do I acquire my first set of customers‘ will be a smooth one. 

Another area of focus for a beginner can be on leveraging earned media – social shares, PR coverage, invitation to be a speaker, etc. 

How to validate your product-market fit

The first and foremost requirement to validate a product-market fit is to understand who your customer is. One of the most common mistakes people make is that they look for a customer after building a product. 

Ideally, the best approach is to find a customer first and then build a product. Next comes the process of building your customer’s persona. Often, people limit their persona building exercise to demography. It is crucial to understand your customer’s psychological persona, as well. This means understanding what does your customer want ‘now’. 

In a country like India, where there is a massive population, you also need to understand your buyer’s spending habits and capacity. After evaluating this, you also need to understand if this set of your audience is scalable enough. 

It is recommended to build a community that comprises of people with similar interests. Further, you can run a survey, host polls, and ask questions. Basically, this time of exercise within a community can help you throw light on both the good and the not-so-good sides of your product. 

How to retain your customers

The key takeaway of this discussion piece is ‘Referral is what keeps the cycle going‘. It’s tough to acquire a paying customer, but it’s even tougher to get them their card swiped the second time. 

[bctt tweet=”Creating a lifecycle is one of the ways to call your customer back for a second purchase.” username=””] In simple words, this means communicating with your customer at every point. For example, write a mail to them when they place their order, ask them to share their feedback, nurture them with content, sell them a product that compliments their preferred product. But the most important thing to take care of here is, build a reliable product – a product that can add value to your customer’s life. 

Another route to get a customer that gets ‘hooked’ to your product is to start with freemium. Offer them a free trial, send them a curated report, create an ebook etc. While they are not paying you money for these resources, they are paying you attention. Gradually, once you have their attention a couple of times, start selling them a particular product at a minimal price. Once you win this stage, set the bar a little high and keep them calling back. The most important thing to take care in this cycle is to add immense value to the product you sell. That is what will keep them calling back. 

How to engage your followers

The answer to this one is straightforward – create quality content. The format for this may vary from a blog post to a video to a webinar, but the bottom line is, let your customer reach the state of delight when they come across anything you post or share with them.

Another way to engage with your customers is to run a contest with them. Offer gift vouchers, free trials, access to tools and let them engage with you. 

How to build a landing page that converts

Today, a landing page has become a vanity. One of the things that are overlooked often is the importance of brand value. If you have an excellent market review, and your potential customers have heard good reviews about your brand, your landing page conversion rates would have a higher number. Unambiguous positioning is also equally important to enhance your conversion rates. 

Other assets that can help you improve your landing page conversion rates are:

  • A countdown ticker
  • Precise & bold title
  • Your colour scheme
  • A video on the first-fold
  • Load-time of your landing page
  • Easy payment option

Lastly, try to generate FOMO through your landing page. This will increase their chance of converting at the moment rather than bookmarking your landing page. 

How to get paid easily (without redirections)

At Razorpay, we have always been working with a vision of making digital payments simpler for everyone. In all of our products, we look forward to having minimum or no integration. 

Our latest innovation to simplify payments is Razorpay Payment Button. This is designed for everyone who wants to accept online payments within one ecosystem, without any redirections. It requires zero coding and design efforts. 

A business or an individual can simply copy a line of code and paste it wherever they would like to embed it. They can also choose to customize the button as per their requirement. The best part you ask? Well, you can get going within 5 minutes! 

Know more about Razorpay Payment Button here Introducing Razorpay Payment Button – The Easiest Way to Get Paid! 

Seems like a thing for you, sign up and get started now.


With this, we come to an end to the summary for our #UnlockGrowth webinar. Below is the webinar recording too, in case you’d like to revisit the session! Please feel free to get in touch with us if you have any questions for us.



Khushali is a content marketer at Razorpay. A logophile, traveler and inbound marketing enthusiast, she loves questioning the 'why' and 'how' of almost everything.

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