The environmental toll of traditional paper bills is staggering, with over 8333 trees, 25 million gallons of water consumed, and 8 million pounds of solid waste generated daily. Beyond ecological concerns, paper bills present practical challenges for both customers and retailers, leading to frustration, inefficiency, and increased operational burdens.

Now, What if there was a solution that didn’t just address ecological concerns but also helped businesses engage customers better and boost revenue?

Presenting RazorpayBillme’s digital bills.

These digital bills will not only help you engage customers better after their purchase, but also bring down operational costs and aid you to be more environmentally sensitive. The digital bill can also act as a valuable tool to help you understand your customer and prompt repeat purchases. It enables businesses to collect phone numbers during their customer’s billing journey.

The digital bill can help make your brand more memorable and push the customer retention rate higher. Not just that, you can cross-sell new products, introduce new offers, and even sell media spaces to brands for advertising! The possibilities with RazorpayBillme’s digital bills are endless. 

How will my customers receive digital bills?

During the checkout process, customers can opt in to receive digital bills through SMS, email, WhatsApp texts or web/app notification. If your customer insists, you can even print out the bill. RazorpayBillme simplifies the customer’s billing journey, and you have a new way of staying connected with your customers. 

What does a RazorpayBillme digital bill look like?

The digital bill is 100% customisable to reflect your brand. There are several elements that you can include in your brand’s digital bill. This way, you can update new offers, sale discounts and even lease out media spaces on your bills to create an additional source of revenue! 

image with features of RazorpayBillme digital bill

RazorpayBillme’s digital bill has a host of features which promise your customers an elevated billing experience and take it miles ahead of the boring old paper bills. Here are some key features:

GST-compliant invoice

  • Generate tax-compliant invoices in easy-to-view formats
  • Compute the tax components based on differential GST rate,  product price and location

Feedback and surveys

  • Collect generalised and specific feedback from customers directly through google reviews, rating scales and NPS polls
  • Gather deeper customer insights on their shopping experience, product variety and many more through embedded surveys on digital bills

Media spaces 

  • Display segment-specific and personalised offers on pop-ups, above and below the tax invoice section. This way, you can create a new medium for cross-selling and promotion of new offers.
  • You can use either images, gifs or videos. Just like digital ads, you can redirect customers to your website, app or social channels when they click on these media spaces. 

Download the bill/ app

  • Include a sticky button on the bill to prompt user action to download your apps or save important bills.
  • Increase the number of app downloads and encourage a new mode of customer engagement. 

Customise bills to reflect your brand

  • Customise your entire digital bill to reflect your brand.. 
  • Choose how your digital bills should look and create a memorable customer experience. 

How will digital bills help your business?


Digital bills can change the way your customers perceive and view your business. Here are some ways our digital bills can help your business.

  1. Increase post-purchase engagement: Create a new post-purchase engagement touch point with your customers 
  2. Improve customer data collection: Establish a powerful reason for data collection right at the point of sale which will in turn help in sharper segmentation and better targeting
  3. Boost retention: Digital bill will be a new touchpoint to personalise offers, cross-selling, and drive repeat purchases by your customers

Do all this while being friendlier to the environment than paper bills ever were.

Now that is not all. RazorpayBillme is not just another digital billing platform. RazorpayBillme can help you improve post-purchase engagement by unlocking key CRM and retention capabilities which will change how your business functions.

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