Today, we are officially announcing the launch of Flash Checkout, the latest feature from Razorpay. Flash Checkout helps customers save their card details with Razorpay and this reduces transaction times by as much as 60%.


With Flash Checkout, end users need to authenticate themselves only once on their mobile devices. After the one-time authentication, their saved cards will be available across all merchants on that device who use Razorpay to accept payments online. This allows for much simpler and faster transactions on both mobile and desktop.

Businesses who use Razorpay can enable Flash Checkout without requiring to add even a single line of extra code. This is the easiest way to offer card saving to end customers. As soon as you request us to enable Flash Checkout, we will add you to the waiting list and roll out the feature for you as soon as we can.

At Razorpay we use PCI DSS compliant technology to ensure that all the card information is stored with maximum possible security. Many of our clients have already started using Flash Checkout and are extremely satisfied with it.


At Razorpay, we plan to build the largest store of saved cards. This will truly simplify payments for end customers of our clients. And all this can be done without any changes to the code. When we roll out new features, these features will be automatically updated.


Harshil Mathur is the CEO and Co-founder of Razorpay. A mechanical engineer by degree and coder by passion, Harshil also likes to practice Karate in his free time.

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