Ecentric, where sustainability and seamless transactions intertwine, ascends to new heights with the captivating power of Razorpay Magic Checkout!🌿✨

“The organic way of living is getting popular every day as people learn to live sustainably, and in order for it to successfully transform our future, we need to embrace it in every aspect – not just limit it to food and personal care. Clothing is an important part of our lives, and the fashion industry significantly contributes to the world’s carbon footprint.” 

Magic Checkout Case Study” featuring Ecentric: Ecentric, the embodiment of comfort and sustainability, weaves a tapestry of eco-friendly clothing for both men and women. Harnessing the remarkable properties of hemp fiber, hailed as a wonder plant by Mr. Salendra, they meticulously craft a supply chain that embraces every step of the journey.

With a resolute focus, the brand aspires to one paramount goal: to nurture the environment and ecology while treading lightly upon the Earth. Their unwavering commitment seeks to diminish carbon footprints, leaving behind a legacy of positive change.

Meet the Team

Ecentric <> A Magic Checkout case study

“The core philosophy of Ecentric is Svasmai Svalpam Samajay Sarvasvam (A little bit for yourself and everything for others!). We believe this could empower a sustainable future for all of us where we can contribute and be a part of the change we all wish to see.”

In their noble pursuit to bridge the affordability gap and accelerate the embrace of sustainable fashion in India, the visionary team at Ecentric embarks on a transformative journey. Their mission: to create a better world. With great pride, Razorpay Magic Checkout joins hands with them, uniting forces to make a lasting impact.

Learn More About Ecentric

The Challenges

High Cart Abandonment Rate

More than 50% of Ecentric’s customers were abandoning their shopping carts during checkout, owing to a slow & complicated checkout process that required end shoppers to fill in multiple long forms in order to make a single purchase. This essentially meant:

  1. Lost revenue opportunity
  2. High customer acquisition cost

COD Orders Were a Challenge

Ecentric wanted their customers to choose from multiple payment options. However, COD orders turned out to be tricky. 18% of their COD orders were RTOed (returned back to origin), inevitably reducing the margin for the business.  

The Solutions

In an attempt to solve the challenges, Ecentric joined hands with Razorpay Magic Checkout. Here’s what Razorpay Magic Checkout offered:

5X Faster, One-Click Checkout

Razorpay Magic Checkout offered one-click checkout to Ecentric. Once Magic Checkout was enabled, customers no longer had to worry about completing multiple steps to place an order, and neither had to fill in long account creation forms. 

Magic Checkout automatically prefilled contact and delivery details for more than 25% of their shoppers, allowing them to complete their purchase 5X faster. This also meant fewer dropoffs.  

COD RTO Intelligence 

Magic Checkout’s proprietary RTO Intelligence algorithm analyzed each order for Ecentric and disabled the COD option for high-risk orders with a high propensity to RTO based on shoppers’ historic RTO patterns, address accuracy and hundreds of other parameters.  

Additionally, Magic Checkout’s RTO Protection helped the brand recover 100% of the shipping cost for any COD order that still got RTOed. 

The Impact 

Magic Checkout's impact <> A Magic Checkout case study

Mr Salendra on Razorpay Magic Checkout

Testimonial on Magic Checkout

Want to Improve Your Order Conversion Rate? We Can Help!

Ecentric’s journey so far is nothing short of inspiration, and we take pride in being a little part of their success story. If this success story has inspired you and you want your business growth to be similar to Ecentric, get in touch with the Razorpay Magic Checkout team now. Let us help you achieve your business goals! 

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