When you’re selling a product or service across the world, international payments can be crucial to business success. Especially in the world of business-to-business transactions or export payments, it is important to establish clear and mutually beneficial payment terms in order to maintain a healthy cash flow and strong business relationships. One of the most common methods to manage these transactions are Net term payments. In this blog, we’ll discuss the intricacies of net payment terms, their advantages and disadvantages. 

What are Net Term Payments?

Net term payments refer to a credit arrangement between a buyer and a seller where the buyer is given a specified period of time to pay for goods or services. The term “Net” followed by a number indicates the number of days the buyer has to settle the invoice. For example, Net 30 terms mean that payment is due within 30 days from the invoice date. When businesses mention net payment terms, they typically refer to a period of 15, 30, or 60 calendar days before the invoice amount is due. In some cases, companies may extend this period to as long as 90 calendar days.

Key Components of Net Payment Method

  • Invoice Date: The date when the invoice is issued.
  • Payment Due Date: The date by which the payment must be made, determined by the Net terms.
  • Credit Terms: The agreed-upon terms that outline the payment period and any potential discounts for early payment.
  • Payment Terms: Specific conditions regarding payment, including Net terms and any penalties for late payment.

Common Net Payment Terms

  1. Net 30 Terms
    • Definition: Payment is due within 30 days of the invoice date.
    • Usage: Common in various industries, Net 30 terms allow buyers enough time to receive goods, inspect them, and ensure satisfaction before making a payment.
    • Benefits: Improves cash flow for buyers while providing sellers with a predictable payment schedule.
  2. Net 60 Terms
    • Definition: Payment is due within 60 days of the invoice date.
    • Usage: Often used in industries where the buyer needs more time to process the goods or where larger transactions are involved.
    • Benefits: Provides extended flexibility for buyers, which can be crucial for managing larger budgets and long-term projects.
  3. Net 90 Terms
    • Definition: Payment is due within 90 days of the invoice date.
    • Usage: Typically utilized in high-value transactions or industries with longer sales cycles.
    • Benefits: Offers significant payment flexibility for buyers, helping them to better align payment schedules with revenue cycles.

Advantages of Net Payment Methods

  • Improved Cash Flow Management: For buyers, Net terms allow for better cash flow management by aligning outgoing payments with incoming revenue.
  • Strengthened Business Relationships: Offering favorable payment terms can build trust and foster long-term business relationships.
  • Predictability: Sellers benefit from knowing when to expect payments, which aids in financial planning and stability.

Considerations and Challenges

  • Credit Risk: Sellers must assess the creditworthiness of buyers to mitigate the risk of non-payment or late payment.
  • Cash Flow Impact: Extended Net terms (such as Net 60 or Net 90) can strain a seller’s cash flow, especially if they rely on timely payments to meet their own financial obligations.
  • Negotiation and Customization: Payment terms can often be negotiated to meet the needs of both parties, ensuring that the agreement supports mutual business goals.

Tips for Managing Net Term Payments

  1. Clear Communication: Ensure that all payment terms are clearly stated on the invoice and understood by both parties.
  2. Credit Checks: Conduct thorough credit checks on new customers to assess their ability to meet payment terms.
  3. Invoice Promptly: Send invoices as soon as goods are delivered or services are rendered to start the payment period promptly.
  4. Follow Up: Implement a system for following up on overdue payments to ensure timely collections.


Net term payments are crucial for managing B2B transactions, offering predictability and flexibility through terms like Net 30, Net 60, and Net 90. Whether you are a buyer or a seller, clear communication and strategic planning around payment terms are essential for maintaining healthy business operations. In an increasingly globalized market, platforms like Razorpay simplify international payments by handling multiple currencies and regulatory compliance, allowing businesses to offer customized Net terms and streamline cross-border transactions efficiently.


A devoted dog cuddler with an appetite for all things food, TV shows and rock music.

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