RazorpayX is delighted to announce the launch of Payouts Pro, an innovative feature that sets a new industry standard for seamless fund transfers. With the introduction of India’s only multi-bank router, RazorpayX Payouts Pro ensures uninterrupted payouts by dynamically routing funds in real-time between multiple accounts. Say goodbye to bank downtimes and enjoy a fully automated routing experience without any manual intervention. Let’s delve into the details of this groundbreaking solution.

The Problem 

Business-critical financial transactions rely heavily on the availability and performance of banking systems. But even the best banks experience outages and degradations, which leads to low success rates and payouts getting stuck for hours. Additionally, the lack of backup banks for current/escrow accounts during downtimes puts businesses at a high risk of being impacted by these degradations. Furthermore, the manual tracking and delayed actions taken by merchants to address these issues further degrade the overall payout performance, causing these scenarios:

  • Frustrated customers, vendors, and employees: Delays and failures in payouts lead to a poor user experience and may even damage vital business relationships.
  • Missed business growth opportunities: When payments don’t flow, it can restrict business expansion and customer acquisition.
  • Brand reputation damage: Failed payouts reflect poorly on your business, affecting brand trust.

The Solution

RazorpayX Payouts Pro introduces India’s first and only AI-powered multi-bank routing system. 

  • Real-time downtime detection: Using advanced algorithms we analyze 10+ parameters including success rates, processing time, etc. to instantly detect outages or slowdowns.
  • Automatic routing: Our system redirects payouts to the next best-performing bank. No intervention, no delays.
  • Uptime restoration: We continuously monitor all banks, switching traffic back to the primary channel when service quality returns.
  • Fund management with auto-sweep: Easily manage funds between your multiple bank accounts.

What Makes Us the Best

  • Proven reliability: Our advanced downtime detection system is the backbone of RazorpayX Payouts Pro which we have been refining for the past 4 years! (99.8% success rate). 
  • Unbeatable speed: We already boast the fastest payouts in the industry. Multi-bank routing means near-zero time lost to outages.
  • Complete automation: Say goodbye to manual bank switching. Payouts Pro keeps your funds moving without any effort on your part.
  • Tailored for your business: Choose the primary and secondary banks for each payout type and let our system do the rest.

Target Customers

Payouts Pro is invaluable for businesses in these sectors:

  • Gaming
  • Lending
  • Brokerage Firms
  • Marketplaces or
  • Any Enterprise-level business with a high dependence on payouts


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    Author Chidananda

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    Disclaimer: Banking Services and Razorpay powered Current Account is provided by Scheduled Banks