It’s been quite a happening month at work. After weeks of development, deliberations, bug squashing and beta testing, we have our newly revamped Checkout experience for you. Apart from that, we are also announcing a bunch of updates on our dashboard, integration plugins and added support for RuPay card network.


Revamped Checkout

The revamped Checkout has been rolled out to all our live accounts now. You can try it out either at or on your own platform.


RuPay Card Support

RuPay cards are now comprehensively supported on our platform and is live for every account. No change is needed on your end to enable this. The demo is available at

Notes Search

We have enabled search in the notes field. This means now you can search by your order ID or any other reference value that you had passed in notes. We are now live with this feature, you can avail the feature facility here.

Top-up for Wallets when Balance is Insufficient

One of the most common reason of failure of wallet payment was “Insufficient Balance”. We have been working with the wallet providers to find a seamless solution to this. Now, if a user does not have sufficient balance to make a payment, they can top-up their wallet through our checkout form itself and successfully complete the payment. This flow is available on MobiKwik and PayUmoney wallets.

Your Logo Across Our Products

For merchants on multiple platforms managing the logo in our Checkout form was a slightly cumbersome process. On platforms like Shopify, this isn’t even possible. However, we now support hosting of your logo on our platform itself.

You can upload your logo in your dashboard account and we’ll automatically include it in the Checkout form if you haven’t provided a logo already. Going forward, we will be including your logo in the mails that we send to customers too, providing for a customised experience. This feature is available in the configuration section on our dashboard.

Refunds API

Continuing with our mission of bringing proper technology in the payments space, we have publicly released our Refunds API for fetching multiple or single refunds. The documentation for this is available at

Android Marshmallow and More

Since last newsletter, we have added a bunch of features to our Android SDK. The most important change is around handling of permissions on Android Marshmallow. In Android M, permissions are granted at runtime instead of installation time. We now handle the SMS reading permissions as gracefully as possible on M. Apart from this, we have also added support for the most requested feature: loading merchant logo from the drawables folder. You do not need to pass urls or base64 strings anymore! More details on the changelog as well as the latest SDK can be downloaded from our GitHub repo.


Since last update we have been acutely monitoring the various user actions required to complete a payment in iOS. These have led to a bunch of optimizations, fixes and more through our latest SDK. The progress bar now also matches your app’s theme to make our checkout a seamless part of your app. The latest version of our SDK is available here or on Cocoapods as razorpay-pod


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