Nutrinda Food Sciences is a startup focused on the spices and condiments market within the food and beverages sector. Committed to delivering high-quality food items, the company prioritises every aspect of the production process.

To ensure customer satisfaction and health benefits, they have established a state-of-the-art, technology-driven food production unit. From sourcing raw materials to conducting thorough sampling, processing, and final production, the company maintains a rigorous evaluation of each step in the process.

We strive for goodness in bringing quality food products with a precise focus on every aspect of production. We have established a cutting-edge technology-driven food production unit to guarantee that you get outstanding products without risking health benefits.

Bharat Prasad, CEO, Nutrinda Food Sciences

Challenge: Procurement vs. Profitability

  • Procuring raw materials in bulk posed a significant challenge due to the lack of a steady cash flow, as majority of raw material procurement relied on credit terms. Cash shortages after managing all operational expenses was common
  • The company aimed to broaden its domestic and export business horizons by venturing into new commodities beyond spices. In order to achieve this expansion, the company needed to procure larger quantity of raw materials. Striking a balance between meeting increased procurement demands and optimising costs became a challenge

Razorpay Line of Credit: The Go-to Solution for Business Cash Flow Issues

Razorpay Line of Credit gave Nutrinda a collateral-free, ready to use credit line that could be used during any shortfall situation for cash needs. It helped them maintain steady cash flow by providing access to funds when they needed it the most, round the clock

Unlike traditional solutions that often involve cumbersome processes and delays, Razorpay Line of Credit offered a smooth, quick, and easy experience to Nutrinda. The company effortlessly applied online and had their application processed within a few hours, streamlining the entire borrowing process for optimal convenience and efficiency.

Impact: Flourishing Business and Happy Customers

Razorpay Line of Credit Testimonial

Nutrinda Food Sciences was able to maintain steady money rotation, which helped them sustain their credit-based FMCG market. By leveraging Razorpay Line of Credit, they were able to purchase a food commodity in bulk at the right time, which allowed them to sell the same commodity at a lower price than other players in the market. This led to increased sales and revenue for the company.






Ashmita Roy is a Brand Marketer at Razorpay. When she’s not working, you can find her strumming her guitar or writing poetry. Dislikes writing about herself in third person, but can be convinced to do so via pizza or cheesecakes.

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