A few years ago, we heeded a desperate call. A friend was pregnant, and discomfort wouldn’t let her sleep. So we came up with the idea of making full-body lumbar support pillows, ergonomically designed to help pregnant women sleep and work. The pillow worked! Thus began our journey of eliminating discomfort from the lives of lakhs of pregnant women.– Naseer, Founder, Quilt Comfort. 

A Magic Checkout case study: Knowing their pregnancy pillows are helpful for expecting mothers, Quilt Comfort wanted to reach out to pregnant women all over the country to make their special journey delightful and help them sleep better. And to achieve their goals, Quilt Comfort joined hands with Razorpay Magic Checkout. 

Razorpay Magic Checkout has made the customers’ shopping journey smoother, reduced cart abandonment rates and increased the share of prepaid orders by 20%. Want to know how Quilt Comfort’s prepaid order share increased by 20%? Keep reading! 

Meet Quilt Comfort (The Makers of Pregnancy Pillows)

Quilt comfort <> A Magic Checkout case study

Quilt Comfort is an online shop for expecting mothers and their bundle of joy. It builds products for them so that expecting mothers and their children can live comfortable lives. Their ergonomic-designed products support posture development and reduce crying time, which ultimately helps in raising happy babies. 

Quilt Comfort uses only the highest quality materials while making pregnancy pillows and infant bedding. They say their products are of heirloom quality, meaning they can be passed on from one mother to another or one child to another. Their ergonomic designs have won multiple awards across the globe. 

To further ensure that their products meet the top standard, they make sure their products are hypoallergenic, meaning it is highly unlikely that their products will trigger any allergy. Also, each product is hand-made with love, and there is no use of harmful chemicals. 

“We take pride in making products that are hypoallergenic and made without the use of any harmful chemicals. Our products ensure that your baby is always in safe hands.”

Learn More About Quilt Comfort 

The Challenges

High Cart Abandonment Rate 

Although Quilt Comfort knew their products were useful, the customers dealt with a complicated checkout process, affecting the brand’s order conversion rate. Quilt Comfort saw a high cart abandonment rate, and the company needed an immediate solution to bring it down. This meant:

  • Lost revenue opportunity
  • High customer acquisition cost

Quilt Comfort envisaged growing their physical presence in more than 300 cities by 2025, but the high cart abandonment rate started to have a detrimental effect on their growth. 

High Share of COD Orders 

More than 30% of Quilt Comfort’s customers were placing COD orders. Even though COD is the most preferred payment method in India, COD orders come with multiple business challenges.

More COD orders mean more Returns To Origin (RTO). And more RTOs meant additional shipping, inventory handling and operational costs for Quilt Comfort, impacting their profit margins. 

Another challenge was that unlike digital payments, which get transferred to online sellers’ accounts almost immediately, cash-on-delivery payments reach pretty late. This restricted cash flow. 

The Solution 

5X Faster, One-Click Checkout 

Quilt Comfort learned about Razorpay Magic Checkout and contacted the team to understand how Razorpay Magic Checkout can help them reduce the cart abandonment rate. After learning that Razorpay Magic Checkout makes the checkout process 5x faster by pre-filling contact and shipping details for 50 million+ users, they enabled Razorpay Magic Checkout on their Shopify store.  

Magic Checkout automatically prefilled contact and delivery details for more than 30% of their shoppers, allowing them to complete their purchases 5X faster. This led to more sales and a 10% drop in cart abandonment rate.  

COD RTO Intelligence to the Rescue 

Magic Checkout’s RTO Intelligence algorithm analyzed each COD order for Quilt Comfort and automatically disabled the COD option for high risk users – where the propensity to RTO is high based on customers’ historic RTO patterns across hundreds of brands in the Magic Checkout network. This led to more users opting for prepaid methods over COD.

Moreover, millions of customers are already familiar with the Razorpay Magic Checkout’s interface, which helps shoppers trust the brand better. The convenience of a familiar checkout flow, all payment methods in one screen and the elimination of not filling up lengthy account creation forms encouraged customers to opt for prepaid payment methods for their orders, which resulted in a significant drop in their COD order share- 30% to 15%! 

The Impact 

 Quilt Comfort- Impact <> Magic Checkout case study

Mr. Naseer on Razorpay Magic Checkout 

Quilt Comfort- Testimonial

Want to Increase Your Share Of Prepaid Orders? Razorpay Magic Checkout Can Help!

Quilt Comfort’s journey is nothing short of inspiration, and Magic Checkout takes pride in being a little part of their success story. If this success story has inspired you and you want to increase your business’s prepaid order share and lower the cart abandonment rate just like Quilt Comfort did, get in touch with the Razorpay Magic Checkout team today. We can help you achieve your business goals! 

Magic Checkout Case Study- Link


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