For your customers, every second counts. They expect a seamless, quick, and safe checkout experience. Razorpay ensures your checkout process not only meets these expectations but exceeds them, turning window shoppers into just shoppers.

We’ve designed a checkout to help your customers through every stage of the purchase journey, from the consideration stage to the payment confirmation and even post-purchase. With our innovative features, you can transform your checkout experience into a powerful tool for growth, enhancing customer satisfaction and driving your sales to new heights. And here are some of the latest features from Razorpay’s Checkout designed to boost your sales and elevate your brand’s trust.

Say goodbye to abandoned carts and hello to happy customers! 

Did you know that a clunky checkout process is one of the top reasons for cart abandonment? And the numbers reflect this – The average online shopping cart abandonment rate worldwide is around 70%. That’s an alarming trend and is costing you! 

This had to change and our checkout was designed to combat this. A smooth checkout experience not only enhances customer satisfaction but also significantly boosts your conversion rates.

The magic at checkout: Features you simply can’t miss

We’ve rolled out some exciting upgrades to make your checkout experience smoother and more effective. These enhancements are designed to personalize the process, reduce friction, and build trust with your customers. By focusing on speed, simplicity, and security, these new features will help you boost conversions and elevate your brand. Let’s dive into the key features that are transforming checkout into a strategic advantage for your business.

Method Personalisation

Personalisation is key to a great customer experience. With Method Personalisation, Razorpay recommends payment methods to users based on their history across Razorpay and the specific business. This tailored approach makes the checkout process quicker and more intuitive, reducing friction and increasing the likelihood of completing the purchase.

Emailess Checkout

In today’s mobile-first world, simplifying the checkout process is crucial. Razorpay’s Emailess Checkout allows customers to proceed with their purchase using only their phone number, eliminating the need for an email address. This streamlined approach speeds up the checkout process and caters to a wider audience, ensuring no potential sale is lost due to unnecessary steps.

Retry Flow

Payment failures can be frustrating for both customers and merchants. With Razorpay’s Retry Flow, users can quickly retry their payment without having to start the checkout process from scratch. Plus, we recommend alternative payment methods right then and there, making it easier for customers to complete their purchase successfully.

Payment Offers

Boost your sales with Razorpay’s Payment Offers feature. Merchants can create payment method-specific offers directly from the dashboard. These offers are then seamlessly integrated into the checkout process, encouraging customers to choose the preferred payment method and enjoy exclusive discounts. It’s a win-win for both merchants and customers.

Razorpay Trusted Badge

Trust is a critical factor in online transactions. The Razorpay Trusted Badge, displayed prominently at the top of the checkout page, assures customers that they are dealing with a reliable and secure merchant. This badge is awarded based on multiple factors, including merchant fraud prevention, dispute win rates, and overall reliability, giving customers the confidence to complete their purchase.

How Razorpay optimizes checkout for growth

Razorpay’s innovative features are designed to optimize your checkout process, resulting in reduced abandoned carts, increased customer conversion rates, and repeat purchases. By providing a seamless and trustworthy checkout experience, Razorpay helps build elevated brand trust, encouraging customers to return time and again. The result? A significant boost in your sales and a loyal customer base.

Supercharge your sales today!

Don’t let a clunky checkout hold you back. Razorpay’s latest features are the secret weapon you need to streamline your checkout process, boost conversions, and watch your revenue soar.

Ready to transform your checkout experience and rev up your sales? Get started with Razorpay today and take the first step towards a smoother, more profitable future for your business.


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