Haptik Interakt and Razorpay Magic Checkout’s partnership!

Razorpay Magic Checkout’s ethos has always been to help eCommerce and D2C brands grow and flourish. Knowing that getting started and continuing to grow a business is not an easy task, Razorpay Magic Checkout has partnered with Interakt so that eCommerce and D2C brands can continue to engage with customers and accelerate their growth without any hassle. 

About Haptik Interakt and How it Can Boost Sales

Conversational commerce is the new marketing trend, and no, it is not just a buzzword. WhatsApp has now become the go-to messaging app for almost everyone. More than 1.6 billion people use WhatsApp, sending over 60 billion messages daily to communicate with colleagues, family members, and friends. 

While there are multiple ways to drive sales, one way to enable eCommerce and D2C brands boost their revenue is WhatsApp Business, which is why Haptik Interakt is here. 

Conversational Sales via Interakt

Interakt is a Jio Haptik product built on official WhatsApp Business APIs. Via Interakt, eCommerce stores can recover abandoned carts, send back-in-stock alerts, do promotional campaigns, and send order confirmation notifications. 

  1. One can send product catalogues directly to customers via WhatsApp so that customers can choose a product and complete order transactions quickly. 
  2. One can send automated WhatsApp notifications to customers who have abandoned their carts. 
  3. One can provide an end-to-end online shopping experience through WhatsApp. 
  4. Shared Team Inbox allows business owners to manage customer chats, send custom catalogue messages, and efficiently assign chats and collaborations with teams.
  5. Send back-in-store alerts with proper CTAs. 
  6. Integrate WhatsApp with business workflows in various tools, such as Shopify, WooCommerce, etc. 
  7. Interakt helps businesses with Green tick verification to build brand credibility.
  8. Trusted by more than 4000 eCommerce businesses and D2C brands.

Since Haptik Interakt makes engaging with customers easy, a business can send customized messages to their customers who are dropping off or not proceeding further with the order completion process. 

Recovering lost sales is always the primary concern for any eCommerce store, and Interakt makes it easy to recover lost sales. With timely automated nudgets, one can bring back customers to their stores to complete order transactions. 

About Razorpay Magic Checkout and How it Can Boost Sales

Like Haptik Interakt, Razorpay Magic Checkout is here to accelerate business growth further. While Interakt helps a business reach out to customers via WhatsApp and send them engaging product-related messages, Razorpay Magic Checkout helps businesses with faster and safer checkout, reducing the return to origin rate and offering multiple payment options, including cash on delivery.  

The average cart abandonment rate is 69.99%. This statistic certainly provides food for thought. But with Razorpay Magic Checkout, online shoppers will not have to worry about going through the painstaking task of filling out long account creation forms on different websites. 

Magic Checkout automatically prefills contact and delivery details of customers who have shopped via Razorpay Magic Checkout network stores, allowing them to complete their purchase 5X faster. This also means fewer dropoffs. 

With Razorpay Magic Checkout, one can expect the following: 

  1. 5x Faster, 1 Click Checkout experience for your customers 
  2. Dedicated team to manage and provide a customized and optimum checkout 
  3. 40% more conversions & sales 
  4. 30% Fewer RTOs on COD orders

Here’s How Razorpay Magic Checkout and Haptik Interakt Together Become a Powerful Duo! 

The secret to a successful eCommerce business or D2C brand is to find ways that would encourage customers to buy more. Getting started with an online store is only the first step. What matters is how one keeps growing the business despite the cut-throat competition.

Magic Checkout, as stated above, works seamlessly with Interakt. This means that even after enabling Magic Checkout on Shopify and WooCommerce, one can continue engaging with customers via Interakt on WhatsApp. 

Interakt and Razorpay Magic Checkout are here to help eCommerce businesses and D2C brands grow. Let’s work together and make things happen! 

  • Let customers shop without any worries and complete their orders 5X faster with Razorpay Magic Checkout.
  • Send customized automated alerts via Interakt on WhatsApp to make cart abandonment recovery.
    Razorpay Partner Program

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