Djubo (Saaranya Hospitality Technologies Private Limited) is an all-in-one hospitality management software that empowers hotels with a complete online booking system. Their fully integrated product suite covers operations, distribution, marketing, and business intelligence.

Djubo’s mission: Empowering hotels to take control of their revenue

Traditionally, Indian hotels relied heavily on travel agents (offline and online) for bookings. Travel agents captured a staggering 80-85% of bookings, even for large hotels. This dependence left hotels with minimal control over revenue and limited visibility into transactions.

Over the last few years, hoteliers have understood the need to exert greater control over sales and revenue to maximize profits. They have thus begun exploring direct booking strategies, creating their own websites and leveraging Google’s metasearch platforms instead of relying entirely on affiliate bookings. This has led to a jump of 35-40% in profits. 

This is where Djubo’s role becomes pivotal. Djubo empowers hotels by acting as the backbone for hotel operations, handling everything from website creation and meta search marketing to sales, bookings, transactions, settlements, and more. In the entire process, Djubo also manages payments between various parties like Google, OTAs, and hotels. This makes seamless transactions and smooth cash flow critical to business. 

The Challenge: Streamlining the payments process

From operations to client satisfaction, the absence of a seamless payments solution affected multiple aspects of Djubo’s business.

  • Operational Inefficiencies: Fee collection and payment settlement for services like Google Ads, OTAs from hotel clients was manual, creating overheads and discrepancies.
  • Lack of Transparency: Unclear transaction details and charges led to a lack of transparency among Djubo, vendors and clients.
  • Mediocre Client Experience: Manual intervention was required to settle funds into client accounts, causing delays.

These issues eroded trust and led to dissatisfaction among Djubo’s hotel clients. Djubo needed a solution that would streamline operations for both themselves and their clients.

The Solution: Changing the game with Razorpay Embedded Payments

Djubo turned to Razorpay Embedded Payments, a first-of-its-kind solution in the industry,  to transform their platform and the way they manage their hotel booking management business. 

  • Frictionless onboarding: Razorpay Embedded Payments enabled client onboarding within Djubo’s platform, eliminating the need to redirect the client elsewhere. The client’s identity could now be verified on the fly, thereby reducing drop-offs.
  • Seamless control of funds: The flow of payments and settlements between hotels and third-party service providers like ad platforms and OTAs was completely automated. 
  • Enhanced transparency and reconciliation: Djubo had access to a feature-rich dashboard to view, reconcile and manage all payments, fees, refunds and settlements across stakeholders and clients in one place. 
  • Seamless payments: Djubo now had a powerful checkout within their platform with 100+ payment modes along with industry-leading success rates. 

(Want to know more about how you can leverage Embedded Payments to make your business more efficient? Explore Razorpay Embedded Payments today!)

The Impact: Zero hassles, delighted clients, and higher revenues

Razorpay’s integration ensured a boost in operational efficiency and a jump in revenues for Djubo and their clients.

  • Increased Operational Efficiency: Razorpay Embedded Payments simplifies onboarding clients, managing payments at scale without any overheads
  • Enhanced Guest Experience: A reliable payment gateway with diverse payment options (credit/debit cards, UPI, net banking, wallets, and international payments) significantly improved guest convenience and customer loyalty.
  • Increased Client Revenue: A 10% increase in successful transactions along with higher share of direct bookings directly translates to higher revenue for Djubo and its clients

Partnering with Razorpay and integrating the embedded payments stack with our booking engine has been a game-changer for Djubo and our hotel clients. 

The diverse payment options offered by Razorpay (credit/debit cards, UPI, net banking, and wallets) have significantly enhanced the guest experience, making transactions smooth and convenient. This collaboration has allowed us to offer a robust and reliable payment solution that perfectly complements our property management platform, ensuring smooth, secure operational efficiency and guest satisfaction.

The embedded payment enhancement allows the hotel software provider partners to ensure timely payment settlements to vendors, preventing service discrepancies.

As a result, 45% of our hotels using our advanced services will see their payment reconciliation process reduced by at least 80%. 

Sankalp Goel, Co-Founder, Djubo

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