Are expensive purchases scaring customers away? Imagine customers confidently clicking “buy” even for high-ticket items, thanks to effortless and personalized EMI options. Razorpay’s upgraded EMI payment experience makes this a reality!

Here’s how we fight the cart abandonment monster:

  1. Pre-Emptive Strike: Eligibility Check (20% Success Rate Boost!)

Gone are the days of failed payments due to ineligibility. The secure phone number based eligibility check instantly reveals relevant credit options your customers can avail, minimizing drop-offs and boosting success rates by 20%!

  1. Smart Nudges: Convert Hesitation to “Buy” (No More Last-Minute Abandonment!)

Don’t let hesitation stop purchases! Intelligently nudge customers towards converting high value Credit or Debit Card payments into flexible EMIs, turning potential last-minute drop-offs into conversions and increase your conversion rates.

  1.  Personalized Fit: The Perfect EMI Plan for Everyone (Goodbye, Confusion!)

Razorpay’s advanced ML algorithm recommends personalized EMI options tailored to each customer’s preferences and financial profile, ensuring a smooth, hassle-free experience that converts. 


  1. Sweeteners: No Cost, Low Cost, Discounts, Cashbacks (Boost AOV and Conversions!)

Incentivise customers with attractive offers like No Cost and Low-Cost EMIs, Discounts, and Cashbacks powered by Razorpay offer engine. Don’t just run offers, also highlight them on product pages with Razorpay’s Affordability Widget, Discount Whisperer and easy-to-spot tags on payment checkout to unleash their true power in converting customers and boosting AOV by up to 45%.

  1. Frictionless Checkouts: Native OTP for Faster Success (4% Uplift!)

No more redirects and waiting for OTPs! With Razorpay Native OTP, customers can complete their EMI purchases in a jiffy, increasing Credit Card EMI success rates by 4%.

Razorpay EMI Checkout: Deliver a seamless, affordable experience that conquers cart abandonment and unlocks higher conversions!


A devoted dog cuddler with an appetite for all things food, TV shows and rock music.

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