At Razorpay, we want to build a one-stop money movement platform for businesses. That’s our vision. While this answers the Why and the What of Razorpay, the How is answered by our culture. Our 6 core values provide us with the right framework to work towards this vision. Think of these 6 values as the fundamental core principles on which every decision is taken at Razorpay.

Customer First

Customer Delight is paramount. Our decisions and actions are guided by the commitment to deliver a superior customer experience. Every decision at Razorpay is made only when we have a solid answer to, “What’s in it for our customers?”

Tip for you: Reflect on instances where you prioritized customer needs and played a role in enhancing their experience. Talk to us about your customer persona and tell us how you acted ‘Customer first’ in your previous roles.

Autonomy & ownership

We don’t wait for instructions at Razorpay. Individuals and teams are encouraged to make independent decisions. We don’t encourage micro-management. We own up to the company goals and work collaboratively towards achieving them.

Tip for you: Tell us about projects where you wore multiple hats. Tell us how you overcame blockers and collaborated with multiple teams in the past. Share an experience where you faced a challenge without clear instructions.

Challenging the status quo

We always challenge established norms. We’re never happy with the traditional ways of working. We’re always on the lookout for improvements in existing systems and processes to drive innovation.

Tip for you: Tell us about a time when you contributed to innovation at work. This could be innovation in a product or process. Tell us about a time when you identified a process at work that could be improved. What steps did you take to challenge the existing way of doing things, and what was the outcome?

Agility with Integrity

We thrive on swift adaptation and innovation while upholding ethical standards, principles, and values. If we see something slowing us down, we agree to disagree and commit to action. Simply put, we have a strong bias for action.

Tip for you: Discuss situations where you demonstrated agility in adapting to change. Talk to us about a project where you or your teammates missed deadlines. Talk to us about a decision you took that didn’t work well. 


At Razorpay, open and honest communication is fundamental. Unless something’s confidential, we share it with the entire team. If anyone talks, everyone hears. We foster an environment where information flows seamlessly, challenges are disclosed openly, and risks are addressed proactively. 

Tip for you: Tell us about a time when you witnessed a lack of information-sharing impacting a team or project negatively. How did you address this?

Razorpay Grows with Razors

Razorpay grows only when each and every single one of us grows. We constantly focus on everyone’s long-term growth. We constantly surround ourselves with the best of the best who help us push boundaries.

Tip for you: Talk to us about your career growth plan. What steps did you already take and how are you planning to grow further? Where do you think Razorpay can help? We look forward to welcoming individuals who resonate with these principles, bringing their unique experiences and perspectives to contribute to the dynamic Razorpay family.

Every decision at Razorpay is made based on these 6 fundamental pillars. We want to hire the best of the best to set up the ‘A-team’ to solve for money movement. And we strongly believe that our core cultural values form the fundamental base for that ‘A-team’. Our interview process is deeply intertwined to check for these values. This article should help you get a quick understanding of our core pillars. Feel free to question us at every step on why these values are important. We’re excited to chat with you!


Culture Head at Razorpay. Used to head the design team earlier.

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