As the digital ecosystem undergoes swift transformation, the essence of online businesses flows through transactions that are both efficient and reliable. In an era where milliseconds matter and trust is of immense value, businesses must be more than just agile, they must be lightning-fast and secure. Every click and every payment needs to be seamless, instantaneous, and unwavering. It’s not just about convenience anymore, it’s about standards. Those who can guarantee smooth, dependable and successful payment transactions will not only attract customers but earn their loyalty, building a foundation for sustained success in the ever-evolving world of online commerce.

At Razorpay, we’re on a mission to make your payment experience seamless, efficient, and hassle-free. AI powered Dynamic Routing System is at the forefront of this endeavor, working tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure that every transaction is routed optimally, maximizing speed, reliability, and high success rate.

What is Razorpay Dynamic Router?

Razorpay Dynamic Router is an AI powered engine that streamlines payments by intelligently directing them in real-time to the most suitable acquiring bank or payment gateway, ensuring industry-leading success rates and top-notch customer experiences.

The Dynamic Router is powered by advanced AI algorithms, meticulously trained on millions of data points with complex payment transaction patterns. At the core of our routing solution lies an extensive database of transactions from 1L+ merchants of all shapes and sizes. This serves as the backbone of our decision-making algorithms, ensuring that each transaction is routed to the most optimal gateway to ensure a seamless payment processing experience. With the routing capabilities we were able to get an uptick of 10% on the overall success rate of transactions.

Faster and Smoother Transactions

Imagine you’re a business owner processing payments through Razorpay. With our recent enhancements, you’ll notice a significant improvement in transaction speed and reliability due to the continuous ML experimentation and deployments in the backend. Gone are the days of waiting for model deployments to be coordinated across teams. Thanks to streamlined processes, our AI Powered Dynamic Routing System now adapts and updates seamlessly, reducing deployment time from potentially weeks to just a few days. This means faster access to better ML model performance and optimizations without any disruptions to your business operations.

Additionally, when the success rate (SR) drops for the best gateway, our system routes the transactions to the next best gateway based on their performance. This ensures smooth and uninterrupted payment processing for your customers.

Seamless Integration and Reliability

Integrating payment systems can be daunting, but with Razorpay, it’s a breeze. Our Routing backend powers our payment gateway which seamlessly integrates with your existing infrastructure, ensuring compatibility and reliability from day one. Plus, with our commitment to continuous monitoring and testing, you can rest assured that your transactions are in safe hands. Any issues or discrepancies are swiftly identified and resolved, giving you peace of mind and confidence in your payment processes.

Tailored Solutions for Your Business Needs

Every business is unique, and so are its payment requirements. Whether you’re a small startup or a large enterprise, our Smart Routing System caters to your specific needs. By leveraging tree-based and bandits models, we ensure that your transactions are routed through the most optimized channels, enhancing reliability and minimizing the chances of delays or failures. This means fewer headaches for you and more time to focus on growing your business.

Empowering Your Business Growth

At Razorpay, we’re not just about processing payments; we’re about empowering your business growth. Our Smart Routing System is designed with one goal in mind: to help you succeed. Whether it’s through faster transactions, personalized models, or enhanced reliability, we’re here to support you every step of the way. Our commitment to product value shines through in every aspect of our Smart Routing System.

Experience the future of payment processing with Razorpay’s AI powered Dynamic Router and unlock unparalleled efficiency, reliability, and success rates for your business. Partner with us today and take your payment processing to new heights.


A devoted dog cuddler with an appetite for all things food, TV shows and rock music.

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