Cash on Delivery and Indian e-commerce is a love story worth exploring. Cash on Delivery has been associated with the Indian shopper sentiment for many years. Originated way back in the 1980s in the form of Value Payable Post (VPP), Cash on Delivery has grown to become India’s favourite mode of payment over the years.

Though CoD has faced its fair share of struggles along the way- such as demonetisation and COVID-19, it still seems to have broken all barriers in continuing to be the shopper’s favourite choice with 70% of online shoppers still preferring to pay via cash!

While CoD is a very convenient option for shoppers, it’s not the same for e-commerce sellers. Mounting RTO losses and fear of cancellations are only the tips of the iceberg of challenges behind offering Cash on Delivery.

That’s why we at Razorpay Thirdwatch, have collated a meticulous amount of data on the state of the cash market in India and how e-commerce sellers can safely offer CoD without any consequences. If you’re a retailer at the crossroads, wondering whether to continue offering CoD for your customer or if you’re just getting started with your business and would like to know more about customer preferences, this ebook’s for you!

What’s inside?

State of cash on delivery in India

A detailed analysis of how Cash on Delivery functions in the Indian e-commerce space. Join us as we comprehensively explore the Tier 1, 2 and 3 shopper demographics according to their payment preferences and analyze their impact on sales and operational costs.

Cash on delivery vs. online payments

Understand the real impact of Cash on Delivery on your e-commerce business, including operations costs, handling charges, and other incurred costs for the seller, buyer and mediator.

Offer cash on delivery without consequences

Learn how to offer Cash on Delivery without incurring losses to your e-commerce store. Join us as we explore the best practices to reduce RTO losses, detect CoD fraud and convert your risky CoD orders to prepaid with the best tools in the market.

Hope you enjoy reading it!

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