FUAARK, the brainchild of Rimpy, Swati & Saket Juneja, started with a simple yet powerful mission—to redefine gym wear for fitness enthusiasts across India. Born from their collective passion and driven by a commitment to quality, FUAARK quickly made waves in the fitness apparel industry. But building a brand isn’t just about great products. As their customer base grew, so did their need for a reliable and seamless payment system that could handle the rush during their most crucial sales periods—especially at the start of the year when everyone’s fitness resolutions were in full swing. And that’s where their partnership with Razorpay came into play.

Know more about FUAARK here

The Challenge: Downtimes, disputes, and a difficult customer experience

Back in 2017, when FUAARK was still finding its footing, they partnered with a different payment gateway to manage their online sales. However, what seemed like a small technical decision at first soon turned into a critical pain point. The team began facing recurring issues—payment disputes, downtimes, and worst of all, failed transactions.

For a brand like FUAARK, where most customers opted for prepaid transactions, these hurdles weren’t just troubling—they were business killers. Fitness enthusiasts, particularly those eager to get their hands on new gear during peak seasons, wanted smooth, instant payments. But instead, they often found themselves dealing with payment errors. And for FUAARK, this meant frustrated customers and lost opportunities. As a young, ambitious brand, this was not the experience Rimpi and Swati wanted to deliver.

Enter Razorpay: Transforming Payments, Accelerating Growth

In 2018, FUAARK decided it was time to make a switch, and that’s when Razorpay came into the picture. The shift to Razorpay was nothing short of transformative.

Smooth Checkout Experience with Razorpay Checkout

FUAARK’s customers, who were accustomed to paying in full upfront, began enjoying a smooth and frictionless checkout process. With Razorpay Checkout, the high rate of failed payments became a thing of the past. Razorpay’s system ensured that transactions, especially during high-traffic periods like their annual January and July sales, went through without a hitch. This reliability was critical during those intense few days of sales where activewear was flying off the shelves.

The Razorpay Trusted Business Mark: A Boost to Trust and Retention

Razorpay’s Trusted Business Mark further reinforced customer confidence. Displaying the Trusted Business badge added credibility, reassuring customers that FUAARK was a secure and legitimate platform to shop from. 

Unparalleled Support and Technology

What set Razorpay apart, however, wasn’t just the tech—it was the proactive support they offered. During their high-volume sales periods, FUAARK could rely on Razorpay’s chat support team to step in whenever needed. Whether it was resolving an issue in real-time or offering proactive solutions before a problem could arise, FUAARK always felt supported. Razorpay’s system was intuitive, ensuring that FUAARK was always in good hands.

The Impact: Growth, Reliability, and Zero Downtime

The results of FUAARK’s partnership with Razorpay speak for themselves. What was once a cumbersome and error-prone payment process became a seamless experience for both the brand and its customers.

Here’s a look at the numbers:

  • Revenue surge: During their major sales events, FUAARK managed a 3x jump in prepaid transactions, all without a single instance of downtime.
  • Improved repeat purchase rates: Repeat customers now account for 65-75% of their sales, up from the previous 55-60%.
  • No disputes: In the past year, FUAARK hasn’t faced any disputes, and the rare issues that did arise were quickly resolved.
  • Uptick in success rate: Over the last two years, FUAARK has seen an uptick of nearly 7% in Success Rate (SR), delivering a superior payment experience for customers.
    Quote-FuaarkFor FUAARK, partnering with Razorpay wasn’t just about solving a technical issue—it was about building a foundation for long-term success. With Razorpay FUAARK has been able to offer their customers the seamless payment experience they deserve. As they continue to grow and expand their presence in the fitness apparel market, Razorpay remains their trusted partner, ensuring that no matter how high the traffic or how big the sale, their payments are always handled with ease and reliability.

Neelima is a content writer with over 4 years of experience in the field. Her writing is crafted to cater to readers, users, and consumers. And ever so often, she just writes for the joy of it.

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