With the festive season around the corner, we’ve got some stellar surprises for you! We’ve constantly worked to improve your payment experience and we know that during this time of the year, when your customers are on a shopping spree, it matters the most. 

Every product update and enhancement we worked on in the last month is designed to further fine-tune your payment experience and to ensure that your customers can shop to their heart’s content without breaking the bank! 


Let’s find out! 

Seamless payments for you and your customers! 

International Payments: Tired of dealing with the hassle of handling international card payments during the festive season? With International Card Payments with multi-currency settlement support things just got a lot easier. Just ask Indigo, who streamlined their payments across 25+ currencies under a single settlement ID. 

The result? Their reconciliation time fell from a whopping 25 man-hours to just 1 man-hour! With this new update you cut down payment reconciliation efforts across multiple currencies by 50%.  

Imagine what you could do with all that time saved, like planning more exciting festive promotions or taking a breather during this busy season.

Wallets on UPI: We’ve made festive shopping a lot more convenient. When it comes to budget-purchases, be it food, groceries, or decorations with Wallets on UPI, your customer can make quick and easy payments.  

You’ll enjoy better success rates with one-step wallet transactions on UPI, which means no more fussing with UPI PINs or worrying about insufficient bank balances. And for your customers, they get yet another choice when it comes to paying online. So, let your customers shop to their heart’s content without a worry, and watch those sales figures soar.

More magic on Magic Checkout!

Email-less checkout: Let’s face it, a lot of Indian shoppers don’t have an email ID. But that doesn’t mean they should miss out on a magical checkout experience. Brands using Magic Checkout can choose to make emails optional or even remove them completely. 

The result? A seamless and straightforward checkout process that resonates with a wider range of shoppers. What’s in it for your business? Expect a higher conversion rate and fewer drop-offs, meaning more sales and happier customers.

Coupon Engine: It’s not just about offering coupons, it’s about offering the right ones without chipping away at your margins. 

With Razorpay’s Coupon Engine, you can effortlessly create a variety of store coupons, from discounts to freebies and combo deals. You get to define clear usage limits for these coupons, and how you can choose to display select coupons as drop-down options during checkout – making it super convenient for your customers.

Greater festivities, bigger savings! 

Discount Whisperer: Did you know that a whopping 91% of Indian e-commerce shoppers prefer using at least one offer before checking out? But here’s the twist – only 53% of them actively use these offers. Say hello to the Discount Whisperer, your real-time savings genie.

By recommending incremental savings based on cart value, it can boost your Average Order Value by up to 30%! 

Low & No Cost EMI: The festive season is also the time customers invest in big-ticket purchases, and EMI options are a crowd favourite. But high-interest rates, especially on longer-term EMI plans, can be a real hurdle for both merchants and customers. That’s where Razorpay’s Low & No-Cost EMI comes in.

With the Low-Cost EMI Option, you get to choose how much of the EMI cost you share with your customers, based on your margins. This flexibility not only benefits your bottom line but can also lead to an incredible AOV increase of up to 45%. 

So, there you have it, six incredible features from Razorpay, tailor-made to make your festive season a breeze. 

Watch your sales soar, customers smile, and business thrive this festive season! 


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