Reconcile Payouts

Check how payouts are reconciled in TallyPrime after approval in RazorpayX.

After you

on the RazorpayX Dashboard, reconcile them on TallyPrime using the Instrument Number and Bank Date.

To reconcile the payouts:

  1. After the payouts are approved, hover on the batch of payouts on the Tally Payouts page and click the DOWNLOAD MIS option.

    Download MIS
  2. Now shift to TallyPrime. Go to TallyPrimeImportIntermediate File.

    Import Intermediate file
  3. Upload the MIS file downloaded from RazorpayX in the File to import (CSV) field.

    Uploading the File to CSV
  4. TallyPrime automatically reconciles all transactions and updates the bank date.


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