In an era where digital connectivity has blurred geographical lines, fostering a truly inclusive web environment has become paramount for developers and businesses alike. @razorpay/i18nify-js emerges as a pioneering toolkit in this realm, offering a comprehensive suite of JavaScript utilities designed to bridge linguistic and cultural divides. This blog dives deep into the essence, functionalities, and collaborative spirit of @razorpay/i18nify-js, shedding light on its transformative potential in the digital world.

The Imperative for Globalization and Localization

Globalisation and localization stand as twin pillars supporting the creation of universally accessible web applications. In a world teeming with linguistic diversity, the ability of a digital platform to speak in the vernacular language of its user base is not just an advantage but a necessity. This necessity births from the fundamental desire to connect, engage, and provide equal value to users from every corner of the globe. @razorpay/i18nify-js, with its robust internationalisation (i18n) support, addresses this critical need head-on, enabling applications to cater to a global audience with unprecedented ease and efficiency.

Why ?

The primary motivation behind creating such solution/SDK is to enhance Razorpay’s global reach and efficiency in catering to international markets. Some of those reasons are pointed below:

  1. Global Expansion:
    By evangelizing, educating, and empowering all teams within Razorpay to prepare their products and services for global audiences, This SDK aims to expand its market presence internationally. This involves ensuring that their offerings can meet the diverse needs and expectations of users across different geographies.
  2. Standardization and Efficiency:
    The initiative to standardize internationalization and inculcate an “Internationalization by Design” mindset aims at creating a more streamlined and efficient approach to developing and managing products. By utilizing tools, utilities, SDKs, configurations, and micro-services, this SDK seeks to minimize redundancy and ensure consistency across its stack, making the process more efficient.
  3. Compliance with Regional Laws:
    Establishing a global payment infrastructure that adheres to regional laws and compliances is crucial for operating in various international markets. This not only helps in mitigating legal risks but also in building trust with users by respecting and adhering to local regulations.
  4. Rapid Market Entry:
    By reducing the time taken to enter a new geography to a month, and eventually to a week for onboarding products, this SDK aims to accelerate its market expansion efforts. This rapid deployment capability can provide a competitive advantage by quickly meeting market demands.
  5. Centralized Internationalization Control:
    Implementing a centralized control for internationalization through a library simplifies maintenance and updates across all Razorpay products. This approach enhances agility and efficiency, allowing for quick adjustments to meet global market requirements.
  6. Developer Productivity:
    The focus on improving developer productivity by abstracting internationalization and localization support into a library allows developers to concentrate on core product features. This can lead to faster development cycles and higher quality products.
  7. Comprehensive Adoption:
    The planned phased integration of this library across the Razorpay stack, starting with Blade and expanding to other products, signifies a comprehensive approach to adopting internationalization. This ensures that all aspects of Razorpay’s offerings are globally ready.
  8. Enhanced Customer Experience:
    By streamlining the onboarding process for new geographies, including the customer journey from sign-up to test payments in local currencies, This SDK aims to improve the overall experience for customers. This can lead to higher satisfaction and retention rates.

The Suite of Solutions: A Closer Look

@razorpay/i18nify-js unfurls a magic carpet of modules that whisk away the complexities of internationalisation. 

Optimisation at Core

Performance Optimization

  • Efficient Resource Loading – Optimizing how language packs and CLDR (Unicode Common Locale Data Repository)/static data are loaded is crucial. Lazy loading of locale-specific data ensures that only the necessary resources are fetched, improving load times and reducing unnecessary bandwidth usage.
  • Lightweightness – Understanding the critical importance of performance in web development, especially for payment solutions, @razorpay/i18nify-js was designed to be as lightweight as possible. Through careful architecture planning and the adoption of tree shaking, we ensured that only the necessary bits of code are included in your final bundle. This principle of lightweightness guided our choice of the Intl JavaScript API and our decision against adopting heavier third-party libraries, thereby keeping our SDK’s footprint minimal.
  • Modularity and Tree Shaking – Modularity is at the core of @razorpay/i18nify-js. We designed the SDK to be consumed in parts, allowing you to integrate only the features you need, optimizing both the development experience and the final application performance. This approach, combined with effective tree shaking, ensures that unused code does not bloat your application, maintaining efficiency and speed.
  • Infrastructure and Compatibility – We built @razorpay/i18nify-js with a broad compatibility goal, supporting a wide range of browsers and environments. This cross-environment compatibility reflects our commitment to providing a robust infrastructure that caters to diverse development needs. The SDK’s design also takes into account the infrastructure of Razorpay’s existing products, ensuring seamless integration and cohesiveness across our ecosystem.

Scalability and Extensibility

  • Framework-agnostic Design – Building the SDK in a way that it can be easily adapted or integrated with various development frameworks and environments (e.g., React, Vue, Angular, Svelte, or server-side platforms like Node.js) ensures wide applicability and future-proofing.
  • Plug-and-play Modules – Designing the SDK with extensibility in mind allows for the easy addition of new locale data, formatting options, and functions to support new languages and regions as Razorpay expands its market reach.

User Experience and Accessibility

  • Right-to-left (RTL) Support – For languages that use RTL script (e.g., Arabic, Hebrew), it’s essential to ensure that the SDK supports layout flipping and text directionality adjustments, providing a native user experience for all users.
  • Accessibility (a11y) – Localized applications must also consider accessibility guidelines, ensuring that translated content remains accessible, with proper label translations, reading order, and screen reader support.

What does the consumer get to use ?

Let’s embark on a detailed exploration of the modules that @razorpay/i18nify-js provides for consumers:

Core Module: The Command Center

The core module acts as the nucleus of the @razorpay/i18nify-js ecosystem, offering essential functions like “setState”, “getState”, and “resetState”. These functions allow developers to manage i18n settings with precision, ensuring that the application’s linguistic and regional configurations align seamlessly with user preferences.

The Currency Module: Global Finance Made Easy

The financial intricacies of international markets are elegantly simplified by the Currency Module. It provides functions such as “convertToMajorUnit”, “convertToMinorUnit”, and “formatNumber”, alongside utilities like “getCurrencyList” and “getCurrencySymbol”. Whether it’s converting pence to pounds or formatting numbers in a locale-specific manner, this module stands as a testament to @razorpay/i18nify-js’s capability to navigate the global financial landscape.

Currency Formatting post Internationalisation
Currency Formatting post Internationalisation

Looking ahead, @razorpay/i18nify-js is poised to introduce even more powerful APIs aimed at further bridging the gaps in global finance management. One such anticipated addition is a direct currency conversion API, capable of converting monetary values between different currencies (for example, from INR to USD).

The Phone Number Module: Bridging Communication Gaps

Communication is the cornerstone of connection. The Phone Number Module ensures that phone numbers, an integral part of this connection, are handled with precision and cultural sensitivity. Through functions like “isValidPhoneNumber”, “formatPhoneNumber”, and “parsePhoneNumber”, this module adeptly manages phone number validation, formatting, and parsing, respecting the diverse formats and norms of different regions.

Phone Number Formatting post Internationalisation
Phone Number Formatting post Internationalisation

The Geo Module: Elevating Global Connectivity with Enhanced APIs

The Geo Module introduces a vibrant palette of flag emojis and images, enriching applications with a splash of national pride and identity. Through “getFlagOfCountry” and “getFlagsForAllCountries”, it offers an easy and efficient way to visually represent the global tapestry of nations, fostering a sense of belonging and recognition among international users.

Country Flags
Country Flags

Going forward Geo Module will also expose apis/utilities that provide access to a wealth of information covering continents, countries, their cities, time zones, pin codes, and much more. This expansion is designed to cater to a wide range of applications, from e-commerce platforms requiring accurate shipping details to social networking sites looking to enhance user profiles with geographic data.

The Date & Time Module: Mastering Temporal Nuances

Time, much like language, has its regional dialects. The Date & Time Module, equipped with functions like “formatDateTime” and “getRelativeTime”, ensures that applications can adeptly speak these dialects. Whether it’s formatting dates for an event in Tokyo or expressing time relative to the user’s locale, this module proves invaluable in making temporal information universally comprehensible.

Date & Time Formatting post Internationalisation
Date & Time Formatting post Internationalisation

More Modules to Come: Text Translation and Beyond

Looking ahead, @razorpay/i18nify-js plans to introduce new modules that further simplify the internationalisation process. A Text Translation Module is in the pipeline, promising an integrated solution for translating and managing application text across multiple languages. 

Interested in exploring? Dive into the i18nify-js playground here:

Please note, the playground is currently under development.

Here’s a short glimpse into @razorpay/i18nify-js

Real-world Implementations: The Proof in the Pudding

The utility of @razorpay/i18nify-js isn’t just theoretical; it’s proven through its application across a spectrum of real-world scenarios. Here’s how different modules of @razorpay/i18nify-js have been instrumental in solving complex internationalisation challenges:

E-commerce Platforms

Consider a global e-commerce platform that must display product prices in the local currency, format phone numbers based on the user’s region, and ensure dates are understandable to a global audience. @razorpay/i18nify-js facilitates these needs seamlessly. By leveraging the Currency Module, prices are automatically converted and formatted to match the local expectations, enhancing user trust and comprehension. The Phone Number Module ensures that customer service numbers are displayed correctly, improving communication. Finally, the Date & Time Module ensures that order timelines are clearly understood, regardless of the customer’s locale.

Educational Websites

Educational platforms that cater to a global audience need to present course schedules, deadlines, and contact numbers in a region-appropriate format. @razorpay/i18nify-js enables these platforms to adapt their content dynamically, presenting dates and times in the local format and ensuring phone numbers are regionally correct. This adaptability not only enhances usability but also increases the platform’s accessibility to a broader audience.

Travel and Booking Sites

For travel sites, presenting information in a clear and localised manner is crucial. The Geo Module can enhance user experience by showing flags corresponding to the user’s location or destination, creating a visual and intuitive selection process. Meanwhile, the integration of localised date and time formats ensures clarity in booking windows and travel schedules.

Key Milestones and Implementations of @razorpay/i18nify-js

@razorpay/i18nify-js has been successfully integrated into several core Razorpay offerings, including our Merchant Dashboard, Blade (Razorpay’s advanced design system), and the Checkout experience.

Within the Merchant Dashboard, @razorpay/i18nify-js enhances functionality through its currency/number module and phone number module, managing the formatting, validation, and parsing of transaction amounts, contact details, and more.

Blade leverages the @razorpay/i18nify-js currency/number module and phone number module for its Amount and PhoneInput Component, ensuring it’s not only globally adaptable but also finely tuned to reflect local nuances, providing a seamless and localized user experience across diverse geographies. More details here:

Challenges and Triumphs in Internationalisation

Internationalisation is fraught with challenges, from technical implementation hurdles to the nuances of cultural adaptation. However, each challenge overcome represents a step towards a more inclusive digital world.

Handling Complex Scripts and Languages

One significant challenge is the support for languages that use complex scripts or right-to-left (RTL) writing systems, such as Arabic and Hebrew. Implementing these requires not just translating text but also flipping layouts and ensuring that user interface components behave correctly in RTL contexts. @razorpay/i18nify-js addresses this through its core and upcoming modules, providing a foundation that respects linguistic and cultural nuances.

Cultural Nuances in UI/UX

Another challenge is the adaptation of UI/UX elements to match cultural expectations, such as using appropriate colours, icons, and visual elements that resonate with the local audience. Among these are the nuances of salutations, expressions of seniority, and gender considerations, which vary significantly across different geographies. Future enhancements to @razorpay/i18nify-js aim to provide guidelines and tools to facilitate these cultural adaptations, making applications not only linguistically but also culturally inclusive.

Salutations and Expressions of Seniority

In many cultures, the correct form of address in salutations is vital and reflects a person’s social status, age, and relationship dynamics. For example, in Japanese business culture, honorifics are crucial, and the omission of a proper title like “-san” after a name can be considered disrespectful. Similarly, in many parts of India, addressing someone with “Sir” or “Madam” in a formal setting is common and expected. Therefore, applications must provide options that respect and reflect these cultural preferences in user interactions to enhance personalization and respect cultural etiquette.

Gender Considerations

Gender representation in user interfaces also demands careful consideration. This is not only about the binary options of male and female but also about respecting non-binary and other gender identities, which are increasingly recognized worldwide. For instance, the German language includes a third gender option, “divers,” which is legally recognized. UIs must therefore allow for inclusive gender selections and ensure that gendered language in applications can adapt based on user settings or preferences, thereby promoting an inclusive environment for all users.

By integrating these cultural nuances into the design and functionality of web applications, @razorpay/i18nify-js can help ensure that products are not only linguistically adapted but also culturally congruent with the users’ social and cultural norms. This approach not only enhances the user experience but also builds trust and a sense of inclusivity among diverse global users.

Overcoming Challenges with Community Insight

The challenges of internationalisation are as diverse as the global audience it seeks to serve. From dealing with bidirectional text in languages like Arabic and Hebrew to managing cultural nuances in date and time representation, the intricacies of creating universally comprehensible web applications are manifold. The collective wisdom of the @razorpay/i18nify-js community serves as a powerful tool in identifying and addressing these challenges, turning obstacles into opportunities for innovation.

Empowering Global Voices

Empowering global voices through technology not only necessitates understanding and addressing the current complexities of web internationalisation but also anticipating the needs of tomorrow’s digital landscape. @razorpay/i18nify-js stands as a testament to what is achievable when innovation is driven by inclusivity and collaboration. It serves as a bridge connecting developers, businesses, and users in a shared journey towards a more interconnected and understanding world.

Looking to the Horizon: The Future of Web Internationalisation

The future of web internationalisation is bright, with emerging technologies paving the way for more sophisticated and user-friendly solutions. In this evolving landscape, @razorpay/i18nify-js is committed to staying at the forefront, integrating these technological advancements to provide developers with the most comprehensive and easy-to-use internationalisation toolkit available. By continuing to innovate and expand its suite of modules, @razorpay/i18nify-js will empower developers to build truly global applications that offer seamless and inclusive experiences to users around the world.

The Road Ahead: Evolving with Emerging Trends

As the digital world continues to evolve, so too will the tools we use to navigate its vast expanse. @razorpay/i18nify-js is poised to adapt and grow with these changes, incorporating new technologies and methodologies to remain at the cutting edge of internationalisation. From integrating AI for more nuanced linguistic translations to leveraging big data for cultural insights, the possibilities for enhancement and expansion are boundless.


@razorpay/i18nify-js is more than just a toolkit; it’s a movement towards creating a more inclusive digital ecosystem. By bridging language gaps and cultural divides, it empowers businesses to reach global markets and connects users across the world in meaningful and engaging ways. As we look to the future, the role of technologies like @razorpay/i18nify-js in shaping an interconnected world cannot be understated.


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