Today is an interesting day for us. Razorpay turns 2,020 days young on 29 June 2020!

This means that over 5 years have passed since we began powering your financial systems so that you could continue challenging the status quo with new ideas, products and experiences. 

We have helped businesses across industries create an impact. From helping collect donations worth over Rs 237 million for Kerala floods and COVID-19 relief measures, to providing capital support to over 2,500 startups, the journey has been a remarkable one. 

The infographic below captures this journey in a beautiful way.

When we think of this time in terms of two thousand and twenty days, it seems like a long period of time. But it is time that has flown by us. The last couple of years have gone by at a particularly fast pace, because Razorpay has also evolved at a very fast pace during this time.

From a payments solution provider to a neobank.

We are now present at every stage of a business’s money management processes, powering their finances to help them grow their business. 

So what does day 2,021 and beyond look like for Razorpay? Well, stay tuned. Cliched as it may sound, there are actually miles to go before we sleep.


A big thank you to the Razorpay Team for this wonderful effort. Isha, Anuj and Anupriya from the Design team, Khushali and Sreya from the Content and Social Media teams as well as Sharath and Shreyas from the Product Analytics team for putting this together.


Harshil Mathur is the CEO and Co-founder of Razorpay. A mechanical engineer by degree and coder by passion, Harshil also likes to practice Karate in his free time.

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